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  • in the meantime I have a small workaround as the function y in php works properly:

    I changed the general settings of my blog to have as date stamp the custom setting:

    F d, 20y

    in this way it returns the year as 2009, composed by the 20 and the 09 as output…

    If you ever started before 2000, this is not really a proper option.

    Anyone got a simply solution otherwise??

    I’m on a ppc, running 10.5.8, having Apache2, and PHP Version 5.2.10.

    I’m having the same year 0000 problem, and the Entropy link above is fine to know, but neither PHP Entropy PHP 5.3.0-3.pkg nor Entropy PHP 5.2.9-7.pkg resulted in a successfull installation:

    The Installer application ended the installation wit hthis message:

    “Install Failed
    The following install step failed: run postupgrade script for entropy-php. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.”

    It is quite borin to see that all the files seem to have been installed properly though, and that these kept my Apache from restarting properly. Apache choked on the php load module that the developer thought to put into an awkward location.

    The idea described on th webpage tells to unload the actual php module in the httpd.conf before installation. That’s because he loads his php with a similar line, but in a file apart.

    That file he has put into his own installation folder /usr/local/php5/


    he symlinks to that file trough the other loadmodules folder of Apache (/etc/apache2/other/

    First of all I don’t like that style of putting things in own places and adding symlinks etc,
    second of all, he’s put redundant stuff into the file that apache would find in php5.conf, in the same /etc/apache2/other/. I don’t see the logic…

    So, it hasn’t helped me a bit neither, and I’m allergic to such ways of developing without proper info, and the arrogance he has in his writing.

    By the way the proper way would be:

    (1) unload the php module you had active in httpd.conf, by recommenting the line

    LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

    (add a “#” in front of it)

    (2) end apache by disabling Web Sharing in the System Preferences/Sharing pane

    (3) install his package

    (4) Re-enable Apache by re-enabling Web Sharing in System Preferences/Sharing

    End of the story:
    If you have the same problems, don’t hope on an easy workaround here…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: date issue

    mac related post here

    @ beyondthepixel: thanks for the info, man!

    I also have a static front page, and also had a titling issue.

    • the static front page shows it page title now: the static page called ‘home’ shows now like (WP blog title) home instead of just the blogtitle
    • my ‘News’ page set to show the blog entries, was showing the title of the post at the top of the list, when using the function wp_title. Now that one shows like (WP blog title) News

    This titling is not only relevant to title the page, but it also helps to define the active page one is browsing to adapt the link-bar look …

    remember, wordpress is free, and it is sharing info this way, that we can solve ‘issues’. Wonderful!

    Only thing I can think of:

    1. duplicate (make a copy of) this file: inove/templates/page.php

    2. give it the name page_comments, so you end up with

    (and some other files)

    3. open the original page.php and replace it with this text:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : the_post(); update_post_caches($posts); ?>
    	<div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    		<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    		<div class="info">
    			<span class="date"><?php the_modified_time(__('F jS, Y', 'inove')); ?></span>
    			<?php edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'inove'), '<span class="editpost">', '</span>'); ?>
    			<div class="fixed"></div>
    		<div class="content">
    			<?php the_content(); ?>
    			<div class="fixed"></div>
    <?php else : ?>
    	<div class="errorbox">
    		<?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'inove'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    it is a guess, I don’t use inove, but I make my themes myself, so I fell like it should be this result.

    Now all your existing pages you have posted earlier on should be without comments, even if you enabled them (the standard template doesn’t look for enabled (open) comments, neither will it look for existing comments to publish)

    What you then do:

    4: edit the existing (few) pages you wish to have comments: change their page template to page_comments

    5: typing new pages: choose the appropriate page template: the standard one or the one with comments

    *N.B. keep the templates when you update inove – save both files I have been talking about, and replace them after each upgrade.

    ** report any feedback, I didn’t test it, and I don’t use inove myself. You just got lucky that I post an answer to your question.

    *** So many people I don’t know myself have helped me so often. I thought of them when I read your question, and knew I could answer it… ??

    Good Luck!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Gallery

    it is called lightbox…

    I don’t know the exact location, but I give this as a hint:
    lightbox 2

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