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  • Since upgrade to WordPress 5.5, i have following errors :
    This is currently a blocking issue because I’m no more able to publish my posts created via feedWordPress ??
    Do you plan to release a fix soon ?
    Thank you

    Warning: Declaration of FeedWordPie_Item::get_id($hash = false) should be compatible with SimplePie_Item::get_id($hash = false, $fn = ‘md5’) in /home/passi997/public_html/ on line 0

    Warning: Declaration of FeedWordPress_Parser::parse(&$data, $encoding) should be compatible with SimplePie_Parser::parse(&$data, $encoding, $url = ”) in /home/passi997/public_html/ on line 0

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/passi997/public_html/ in /home/passi997/public_html/ on line 6270

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/passi997/public_html/ in /home/passi997/public_html/ on line 1310

    I just checked my www error log and found tousends entry of this Warning :
    PHP Warning: Division by zero in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 77

    I had a ook at the code and line 77 is $thumb_r = $width / $height;, so I suppose height is 0. What is this height related to ? How can i avoid all these entries ?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter olive67


    Great, this way it works fine (with some changes) ??
    Thank you for your Help !

    Thread Starter olive67


    Thank you for your quick answer but i don’t think this works as i’m not using taxonomies but wordpress categories id’s in my custom posts.
    When i have a look in the post_meta table for the field “car-category” in a “car” custom post type, i have e.g. this : a:1:{i:0;s:4:”2198″;}.
    When i have a look in the post-meta table fot the field “car-library-category” in a “car library” custom post type (with multiple categories selected), i have e.g. this : a:3:{i:0;s:4:”1992″;i:1;s:4:”1994″;i:2;s:4:”2198″;…
    —> in the exemple above, the ID 2198 matches –> so this library item can be displayed for this car.
    Hope these details can help to solve my problem.
    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Thread Starter olive67


    Thank you for your feed-back.

    Let me try to explain better :
    – I have defined 2 custom posts : “car” and “car library”
    – “car” and “car library” contains both a listbox enabling to select one category for the “car” custom posts and several categories for the “car library” custom post : the category is here to make the link between both “car” and “car library” custom posts
    So i have 1 post for each car description but one “car library” item can be used for several cars description – e.g. 3.8 motor description in “car library” is the same for car A and car B.

    I would like to use WP_query to search all the “car library” posts where “car_library-category” (array as multiple selection possible) contains “car-category”
    –> Could you provide me an example how to write this ith WP_Query ?

    I hope it’s a bit more understandable ??

    Thank you in advance for your help


    Thread Starter olive67


    Thank you for your answer. I already dowloaded the package but can I simply overwrite the current installation with old 2013.0504 package without issues ?

    Thread Starter olive67


    I checked again my code and the biggest performance issue was due to the multiple calls to the function URLIsValid.
    I removed that in my code and performance is now perfect ??

    Thread Starter olive67


    I can also see these errors in the DB logs :

    140721 20:50:08 InnoDB: ERROR: the age of the last checkpoint is 15107185,
    InnoDB: which exceeds the log group capacity 15095808.
    InnoDB: If you are using big BLOB or TEXT rows, you must set the
    InnoDB: combined size of log files at least 10 times bigger than the
    InnoDB: largest such row.

    Any idea if this can be linked to the queries ? Maybe some parameters of the MySQL DB to modify ?

    Thread Starter olive67


    Thanks you for your quick feed-back and answers ??
    – I adapted PHP code as suggested about string concatenation
    – I replaced the multiple get_the_ID calls by a variable in my “While” loop
    – I replaced the multiple get_post_meta calls by one call and extracted data from generated associative array

    –> unfortunately, no big performance improvements ??

    – When you speak about indexes, has this to be created via PhpMyAdmin for the fields on which requests are done ? Could you give me more details with exemple ?

    – I checked also in the log and the generated SQL query is :

    SELECT   wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts  INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id)
    INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id)
    INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt2 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt2.post_id) WHERE 1=1  AND wp_posts.post_type = 'code_couleur_ext' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish')) AND ( (wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'pp_color-description_courte' AND CAST(wp_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) LIKE '%red%')
    OR  (mt1.meta_key = 'pp_color-description_courte_en' AND CAST(mt1.meta_value AS CHAR) LIKE '%red%')
    OR  (mt2.meta_key = 'pp_color-description_courte_de' AND CAST(mt2.meta_value AS CHAR) LIKE '%red%') ) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC;

    It takes some time too to execute in PhpMyadmin but is much more quicker than via PHP.

    – here my new php code with your improvements suggestions :

    global $post;
    	/* if(isset($_POST['categorie_couleur']) && !empty($_POST['categorie_couleur'])){
    	$Col1_Array = $_POST['categorie_couleur'];
    	$pp_categorie_couleur_list = '';
            foreach($Col1_Array as $selectValue){
                    $pp_categorie_couleur_list = $pp_categorie_couleur_list.$selectValue.",";
    		// pour supprimer la dernière virgule
    		$pp_categorie_couleur=substr($pp_categorie_couleur_list, 0, -1);
    	} */
    			'id' => theme_get_post_id(),
    			'class' => theme_get_post_class(),
    			'title' => theme_get_meta_option($post->ID, 'theme_show_page_title') ? get_the_title() : '',
    			'heading' => theme_get_option('theme_single_article_title_tag'),
    			'before' => theme_get_metadata_icons('edit', 'header'),
    			'content' => do_shortcode(pp_recherche_options_couleur($_POST['recherche_couleur'],$_POST['type_recherche_couleur'])
    /* fonction permettant de checker si une URL existe */
    function URLIsValid($URL)
        $exists = true;
        $file_headers = @get_headers($URL);
        $InvalidHeaders = array('404', '403', '500');
        foreach($InvalidHeaders as $HeaderVal)
                if(strstr($file_headers[0], $HeaderVal))
                        $exists = false;
        return $exists;
    * Function pp_recherche_options_couleur
    * Génère la requête sur base des information spécifiées dans le formulaire et retourne le résultat
    function pp_recherche_options_couleur ($recherche_couleur, $type_recherche_couleur) {
    	//echo "recherche couleur : ".$recherche_couleur."<br/>";
    	//echo "type recherche couleur : ".$type_recherche_couleur."<br/>";
    	switch ($type_recherche_couleur) {
    		case "nom":
    			$pp_args= array('post_type' => 'code_couleur_ext',
    							'post_status' => 'publish',
    							'posts_per_page' => -1,
    							//'no_found_rows' => true,
    							'cache_results' => false,
    							'fields' => 'ids',
    							'meta_query' => array (
    								'relation' =>'OR',
    									'key' => 'pp_color-description_courte',
    									'value' => $recherche_couleur,
    									'type' => 'char',
    									'compare' => 'LIKE'
    									'key' => 'pp_color-description_courte_en',
    									'value' => $recherche_couleur,
    									'type' => 'char',
    									'compare' => 'LIKE'
    									'key' => 'pp_color-description_courte_de',
    									'value' => $recherche_couleur,
    									'type' => 'char',
    									'compare' => 'LIKE'
    		case "code":
    			$pp_args= array('post_type' => 'code_couleur_ext',
    							'post_status' => 'publish',
    							'posts_per_page' => -1,
    							//'no_found_rows' => true,
    							'cache_results' => false,
    							'fields' => 'ids',
    							'meta_query' => array (
    									'key' => 'pp_color-code',
    									'value' => $recherche_couleur,
    									'type' => 'char',
    									'compare' => '='
    		case "categorie":
    			$pp_args= array('post_type' => 'code_couleur_ext',
    							'post_status' => 'publish',
    							'posts_per_page' => -1,
    							//'no_found_rows' => true,
    							'cache_results' => false,
    							'fields' => 'ids',
    							'meta_key' => 'pp_color-categorie_couleur',
    							'meta_value' => $recherche_couleur,
    							'meta_compare' => '='
    	// Pour debug - affichage des valeurs des paramètres
    	$pp_query = new WP_Query($pp_args);
    	$pp_result = '';
    	// Affichage de la requete
    	switch ($type_recherche_couleur) {
    		case "nom":
    			$pp_result .= '<p class="none"><b>Recherche réalisée</b> : Nom de couleur contenant <b><i>'.$recherche_couleur.'</b></i></p>';
    		case "code":
    			$pp_result .= '<p class="none"><b>Recherche réalisée</b> : Code couleur = '.$recherche_couleur.'</p>';
    		case "categorie":
    			$pp_result .= '<p class="none"><b>Recherche réalisée</b> : Catégorie couleur = '.$recherche_couleur.'</p>';
    	//affiche le nombre de résultats trouvés
    		$pp_result .= '<p class="none"><b>Résultats trouvés</b> : '.$pp_query->found_posts.'</p>'
    					// lien pour retour vers la page de recherche
    					  .'<p><a href="'.$pp_url_home.'/espace-technique/codes-porsche/codes-peinture/">Retour sur la page de recherche</a></p>';
    	if ($pp_query->have_posts()) {
    		while ($pp_query->have_posts()) : $pp_query->the_post();
    			$pp_post_ID = get_the_ID();
    			$pp_couleur_ = get_post_meta($pp_post_ID);
    			$pp_couleur_code = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-code'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_code_description_courte = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-description_courte'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_code_description_courte_en = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-description_courte_en'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_code_description_courte_de = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-description_courte_de'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_nom_fichier_couleur = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-nom_fichier_couleur'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_nom_fichier_voiture = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-nom_fichier_voiture'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_notes = $pp_couleur_['pp_color-notes'][0];
    			$pp_couleur_url = $pp_home_url."/wp-content/uploads/colors/".$pp_couleur_nom_fichier_couleur;
    			$pp_couleur_car_url = $pp_home_url."/wp-content/uploads/colors/".$pp_couleur_nom_fichier_voiture;
    			$pp_result .= '<table border="1" width="100%">'
    								.'<td rowspan="4" bgcolor="#646464" style="color:#E0DEDF;text-align:center" width="6%" >'.$pp_couleur_code.'</td>'
    								// FR
    								.'<td width="6%"> <img src="'.$pp_home_url.'/wp-content/uploads/drapeaux/fr.png"/></td>'
    								.'<td width="22%">'.$pp_couleur_code_description_courte.'</td>';
    			if (URLIsValid($pp_couleur_url)){
    				$pp_result .= '<td rowspan="3" width="23%"><img src="'.$pp_couleur_url.'" border="1"/></td>';
    				$pp_result .= '<td rowspan="3" width="23%">&nbsp;</td>';
    			if (URLIsValid($pp_couleur_car_url)){
    				$pp_result .= '<td rowspan="3" width="43%"><img src="'.$pp_couleur_car_url.'"/></td>';
    				$pp_result .= '<td rowspan="3" width="43%">&nbsp;</td>';
    			$pp_result .= 	'</tr>'
    							// EN
    								.'<td width="6%"> <img src="'.$pp_home_url.'/wp-content/uploads/drapeaux/gb.png"/></td>'
    								.'<td width="22%">'.$pp_couleur_code_description_courte_en.'</td>'
    							// DE
    								.'<td width="6%"> <img src="'.$pp_home_url.'/wp-content/uploads/drapeaux/de.png"/></td>'
    								.'<td width="22%">'.$pp_couleur_code_description_courte_de.'</td>'
    							// Modèles concernés
    								.'<td colspan="4" style="padding:8px">'
    									.'[wpspoiler name="Modèles concernés..." open="false"]'
    									 // $pp_modeles_concernes = get_field('modeles_concernes',$pp_post_ID);
    									 // var_dump( $pp_modeles_concernes );
    									 // $pp_result .= '<ul>';
        								 // foreach( $pp_modeles_concernes as $pp_modele_concerne) {
            							// 	$pp_cat_name = get_cat_name($pp_modele_concerne);
            							// 	$pp_result .= '<li>'.$pp_cat_name.'</li>';
    									// }
        								 // $pp_result .= '</ul>' */
        								// temporaire en attendant d associer les modèles aux couleurs
    		$pp_result .= '<p><a href="'.$pp_url_home.'/espace-technique/codes-porsche/codes-peinture/">Retour sur la page de recherche</a></p>';
    		$pp_result = "<h3>Aucun résultat n'a été trouvé avec les critères spécifiés...</h3>"
    		  			.'<a href="'.$pp_url_home.'/espace-technique/codes-porsche/codes-peinture/">Retour sur la page de recherche</a>';
    return ($pp_result);

    Seems to work fine ??
    Thank you for your help !

    If no solution proposed by “Token Manager” Team soon, i’ll remove plugin and try to find something else… ??

    If i understand well, the only thing to do for using ‘AdSense Click-Fraud Monitoring’ is to encapsulate the ads generated by ‘Adsense Explosion’ with <DIV class=”cfmonitor”> …</DIV>.
    Could you explain where/how to add <DIV class=”cfmonitor”>…</DIV> into you PHP code ?
    Thank you very much

    Yep, it works fine for me now ??
    Thank you for your support ??

    I’ve just installed and configured the plug-in.
    I have the same problem. Did you find a solution ?`

    Hello, i have curently the same issue. Did you find à solution ?

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