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  • Update: This has already been noted and hotfixed. See

    TLDR: Should be fixed in 6.7.2 and a plugin for the time being is also available, see link above.

    A client just reported this to me yesterday. Apparently, when you check a category, ALL categories starting with the same digit get selected, too. For example: If you have a category with id=6 and a lot of categories so you have categories 60…69, 600…699 etc. all those get selected along that category 6.

    This seems to be a side effect from a code change between WP 6.7 and WP 6.7.1 due to issues with keeping the both category tabs (most used/all categories) in the classic editor in sync (it only happens with the classic editor, not with the block editor, and I tested various plugins that bring back the classic editor, it seems not to matter which one [e.g. “Classic Editor”, “Disable Gutenberg”, etc.] is used.)

    It would be great if somebody could create an issue for this, I don’t have the time to document everything properly for a report right now. Downgrade to WP 6.7 or even 6.6.2 and clearing all caches to make sure the “bad” file version won’t be loaded from cache solves the issue for the moment. Maybe @azaozz could have a look at this?

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by OldGrumpyDE. Reason: added some details, mentioned @azaozz


    @billjamshedji It is rather simple to write some glue logic that just registers the shortcode [toc] and does nothing more than calling the other shortcode internally. Please note that this is just a makeshift solution to spare you the work of editing all your posts manually or via search-replace plugin, and not a recommended practice. I’m just pragmatic. ??

    Seems like developer got confused about how prepared statements work. I’ve fixed most of them to get a client’s site back up and running asap but I’m really not happy about it. My forehead hurts from all the facepalms ??

    Yeah, developer got confused about how prepared statements work. I’ve fixed it manually for an important client’s site today. Hopefully the next update will fix this. I’ll backup my modifications for sure. The error you posted isn’t the only one. Log functionality is also broken due to same reason. Sigh.



    There is no way(*) to convert an IPv6 address to an IPv4 address as those two systems are used independently. (* except for very special cases which only rarely apply, see below.)

    Why exactly did you want to convert an IPv6 address to an IPv4 address? A rough analogy for better understanding might be landline vs. mobile phones. Some people might have both and you can use both of their assigned numbers (IP addresses) to reach them, some people only got a mobile phone and no landline (or even the other way round). You can’t “convert” a landline number to a mobile number and vice versa, just like with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

    Those “6to4 notation” and “IPv4-mapped notation” are regarding special use cases from the early times of IPv6. 6to4 notation was/is used to tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 links, and IPv4-mapped notation is used for internal representation purposes to represent IPv4-only nodes to IPv6 nodes. Nothing that would be of any help to you.

    For your purposes, the longer IPv6 addresses are just like the older, short IPv4 addresses. They serve the same purpose, they are just longer because of the MUCH larger address range. If you want to read up about the why and what, there is a Wikipedia article for you: and another about the “strange” IP addresses you encountered:

    Most probably the plugin was updated before the OceanWP theme. The function mentioned in the error message is part of the OceanWP theme code, and there are no safety checks in place so that the fatal error occurs if the theme is too old and thus does not yet have that function.

    @lindaleclerc Chances are you have a malware infection on your WordPress blog. This needs to be looked at by a skilled technician because it can be rather difficult to spot the infection from inside the WordPress dashboard. Just cleaning up the mess is like covering up the symptoms without actually fixing the real issue. Finding posts created by invisible, resp. non-existing users in your database is a pretty solid sign. Let me know if this has been cleaned up already, or if you want/need more information.

    P.S. the notifications sent out by the plugin are probably only the result of strange things going on (posts being added to your WordPress database by malware), the plugin is just doing its job – it can’t tell if you’re posting legitimate content or malware injects nefarious posts.

    TL;DR: Disabling the plugin only hides the odd things going on, it’s not solving the actual issue.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by OldGrumpyDE. Reason: Fixed typos

    That looks like somebody tried to add an admin notice the wrong way. The quick fix for that is to comment out line 40 in /wp-content/plugins/post-types-order/include/class.options.php which should read:

    echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . esc_html__('Settings Saved', 'post-types-order') . '</p></div>';

    just add two slashes so that it reads:

    //echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . esc_html__('Settings Saved', 'post-types-order') . '</p></div>';

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by OldGrumpyDE. Reason: added clarification

    Fortunately, while it’s not yet officially approved as compatible up to 5.3.2, it still works properly in 5.3.2 – I am just testing it because I had to upgrade to 5.3.2 now due to unrelated other issues. So far everything seems to function quite normal.

    However, YMMV, so keep us posted if you find out something doesn’t work. While I’m not the developer, I might be able to help with a fix still.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter OldGrumpyDE


    I’m sorry, I forgot to mention that I’ll rant on their doorstep as well. ?? I know illuminate/support is a component used for Laravel, but alas, this is WordPress, not Laravel. ?? I definitely enjoy reusable code, this mess here has given me quite some headaches, not only because of the interesting symptoms in case the gdpr framework loads last and the function_exists() prevents a clear error but also from a lot of “head on desk” ??

    @bocanegra Ich hatte heute Zeit, mir das Problem mal anzuschauen, und die L?sung ist simpel. Es funktioniert, wenn Du den Pfad zur cacert.pem für cURL in file-cache.php Zeile 98 wie folgt ermittelst:

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . "cacert.pem"); //Certificate to verify the remote server

    getcwd() liefert hier schlichtweg nicht unbedingt den richtigen Pfad. Mit obigem Code wird verl?sslich die cacert.pem angezogen, die im gleichen Verzeichnis wie die file-cache.php liegt.

    Sorry, war zu faul für nen PR ??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by OldGrumpyDE. Reason: Just cosmetic changes

    Hat hier leider nichts genützt. ??

    Ich h?nge mich mal hier mit ran, weil ich gerade einen entsprechenden Hilferuf bekommen habe, auch in meinem Fall erhalte ich die Fehlermeldung

    Leider ist etwas schief gelaufen.
    Cache Fehler:
    Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

    Die betroffene Domain liegt in einem Webhosting-Paket bei Strato, mehr Informationen habe ich noch nicht. Ich helfe aber gerne beim Debuggen. ??

    Thread Starter OldGrumpyDE


    I found the actual problem and submitted a fix suggestion to @domainsupport. I guess a new update should happen anytime soon.

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