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  • I raised a ticket with them over a month ago, and still no update! These errors in their updated theme should not be occurring.

    For now, i’m manually entering [theme-transparent-header-meta = disabled or enabled] into custom fields – which is a temporary hack but its causing me a lot of problems overall!

    Thread Starter okose1


    Just an update. I managed to add some custom jquery to make the page scroll to top after someone clicks on the location and it works. I used:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(“#wpsl-stores”).on(“click”, “.wpsl-store-details”, function() {
    $(“html, body”).animate({
    scrollTop: 0
    }, 500)

    It seems to work perfectly. This is the scroll to top i needed that isnt included in the template list under map which it should ideally.


    Thread Starter okose1


    Thanks so much for your help.

    Thread Starter okose1


    oh i’m using 14.1.2.

    Is it possible to also have the location title (in the list) open the popup on the map instead of permalink?

    regarding the scroll issue; I looked at other plugins and i think its called Scroll to Map. Hoping this can be put as a feature for those who use the list below map template as it makes more sense for this feature.

    Thanks so much for your help

    Thread Starter okose1


    In the settings under User Experience, where it asks [Where do you want to show the “More info” details?] i selected [In the info window on the map] which works fine. but the page doesnt scroll up to the map. i tested this also using the list below map template.
    i also tested this in Safari and safari scrolls back up to the map.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    p.s. I didnt change any behaviour for the more info link

    I have the same issue. I even tested their demo on my mobile and it doesn’t work

    How frustrating are these responses. I straight away understood the help you needed. You simply wanted to strip shortcodes from displaying in the slider descriptions. He did not want to display shortcodes!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Post Index] HTML Output
    Thread Starter okose1


    The tags I added classes to were:

    p.pi-filter {}
    .pi-filter a {}
    .pi-column h4 {}
    .pi-column {}
    .pi-column ul li {}

    	 * writes the index to stdout.
    	 * @param int $maxColumns determines the amount of columns
    	function printItem($item, $itemCount, $categoryName, $maxColumns, $showLetter, $headerTag = 'h4') {
    		echo '<p>';
    		$categoryId = uniqid();
    		if(!empty($this->pageDescription)) {
    			echo str_replace( '${Category}'
    							, $categoryName
    							, str_replace( '${PostCount}'
    										 , $this->getPostLabel($itemCount)
    										 , $this->pageDescription
    			if($itemCount > 0)
    				echo '<hr />';
    		if($itemCount > 0)
    			echo '<p class="pi-filter">' . __(' ', 'post-index') . ' ';
    			$groups = array_keys($item);
    			$countOfGroups = count($groups);
    			for($i = 0; $i < $countOfGroups; $i++) {
    				echo '<a href="#letter_' . $categoryId . '_' . $groups[$i] . '">' . $groups[$i] . '</a>';
    				if($i < ($countOfGroups-1)) {
    					echo ' ';
    				echo ' ';
    			echo '</p>' . "\n";
    			$itemCountPerGroup = 2;							// used for the calculation of items per column.
    			$maxPostsPerColumn = floor(($countOfGroups * $itemCountPerGroup + $itemCount) / $maxColumns);
    			$columnPercentage = (100 / $maxColumns) - 2;  	// 2 is a offset needed for the padding.
    			if($maxColumns > 1) {
    				// start first column
    				echo '<div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
    			$currentItemsPerColumn = 0;		// contains the amount of posts of the current column.
    			$currentColumn = 1;				// indicates the current column.
    			foreach($item as $index => $posts)
    				$currentItemsPerColumn += $itemCountPerGroup;
    				if($showLetter) {
                        echo '<a name="letter_' . $categoryId . '_' . $index .'"></a><'. $headerTag .'>' . $index;
                        if($this->showGroupCount == 1) {
                            echo ' <small>(' . count($posts) . ')</small>';
                        echo  '</'.$headerTag.'>' . "\n";
    				echo '<ul>'."\n";
    				foreach($posts as $post)
    					echo '<li><a href="' . $post['permalink'] . '">' . $post['title'] . '</a>';
    					if(!is_null($post['author'])) {
    						/* translators: a book 'by {author}' */
    						echo ' ' . sprintf(__('by %s', 'post-index'), $post['author']);
    					$linkList = $post['linkList'];
    					if(count($linkList) > 0)
    						echo '<br /><div style="font-size: smaller;">';
    						for($i = 0; $i < count($linkList); $i++)
    							$link = $linkList[$i];
    							echo $this->getSeparator($i, count($linkList), $this->infoSeparator);
    							echo '<a href="' . $link['url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $link['name'] . '</a>';
    						echo '</div>';
    					echo '</li>'."\n";
    				echo '</ul>';
    				// check a column break only on complete groups...
    				if($maxColumns > 1 && $currentItemsPerColumn >= $maxPostsPerColumn) {
    					$currentItemsPerColumn = 0;
    					if($currentColumn < $maxColumns) {
    						echo '</div><div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
    					} else {
    						echo '</div><div class="pi-column" style="float: left; width: ' . $columnPercentage . '%; padding: 5px;">';
    			if($maxColumns > 1) {
    				echo '</div><div style="clear: both;"></div>';
    		echo '</p>';

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for a great plugin!

    It’s not a Wordfence issue, as I’ve tested on some of my clients websites that don’t have Wordfence and the issue is still there.

    I have a sneaky feeling its something to do with Yoast but I need to look into it some more.

    Wordfence is an excellent plugin by the way

    Thread Starter okose1


    Great support!

    Thanks for your help. Look forward to the update ??

    Thread Starter okose1


    hi Thanks. Ive already done this in CSS. just wondering if there was another way without using CSS.

    thanks for your help ??

    Thread Starter okose1


    Hi Kundan

    thanks for your response. I have emailed you just now.

    thanks again


    Thread Starter okose1


    How did I overlook that? thanks!

    Thread Starter okose1


    Just to correct what I just wrote.

    $list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";

    Which broke my theme. I moved the closing div to before the div clear tag. Now my theme works fine.

    $list .= "</div><div style='clear: both;'></div><!-- end list -->";

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