Forum Replies Created
Hey, thanks for updating it. I’m actively looking for people to help maintain this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SCSS] Update 3.0 causes critical error. Please revert!I have 38 sites with the plugin installed… This Friday was awesome. All of them broke at the same time. Most of them running paid traffic.
About to try the fixes… Disabling auto-update for this plugin forever.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TailPress – Tailwind for WordPress] Inconsistent LoadingHi guys. I’ve had the same issues and was able to replicate the problem. It loads perfectly on pages but on posts is very inconsistent. Also, it seems to have some conflicts with caching, snippets and styling plugins, but I could only confirm that enqueuing styles or files will interfere on the outcome. The order you do somethings matters. So if you clear the cache and then republish a post, Tailpress will show up, otherwise it wont.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TailPress – Tailwind for WordPress] tailwind configHi guys, thank you so much for this plugin.
I have a question regarding theme css. I’m using Tailpress with Flatsome, but for some reason, the base css for the theme is in conflict with Tailpress. Is there a way to avoid this?
I’ve seen that the preflight comes disabled by default. But for some reason the conflict still exists.Regards,
A.R.Estou com o mesmo problema. Isso é incompatibilidade do plugin com a nova vers?o do WooCommerce.
Espero que os desenvolvedores resolvam este problema ou ao menos nos dê a op??o de desabilitar o autocompletar, já que o plugin n?o tem uma tela de configura??es.
é importante ressaltar que para lojas com muito volume, a demanda de suporte ao usuário e a quantidade de pedidos com o endere?o errado s?o um problema gravíssimo!
Por favor nos notifiquem dessa atualiza??o!
- This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by oitent.
Após muito pesquisar, descobri a solu??o do problema.
Se o seu email e token estiverem corretamente configurados no PagSeguro e você n?o tiver personaliza??es de checkout configuradas, o problema está no plugin Campos de Checkout (Brazilian Market on WooCommerce), complementar aos plugins de pagamento PagSeguro e Mercado Pago do Cláudio Saches.
Você n?o pode deixar a op??o “Exibir Tipo de Pessoa” como “nenhum”.
Sugiro também deixar habilitado somente “Habilitar Máscara de Campos:” e “Validar CPF”.
Salve as novas configura??es e pronto, tudo volta a funcionar. Fa?a um teste com Boleto para garantir.
Visto aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK0-wx-LRO8Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails] Gutenberg Ready?Hey! So, im new to the plugin and can attest to its really cool setup. Unfortunately Gutenberg is in fact messing it up. What i found is that when it comes beneath any block that uses lists, it gets mixed up with it. Even when using the shortcode block. I figured it out by checking with the inspector and confirming the code was within the previous block divs and lists… I guess that the shortcode block is shortcoded ‘lol’.
Anyways, what I had to do was put it before the other block on that specific page.