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till now it results that it is a theme issue not related with core functionality of qtranslate-x, as soon as i have solution I will post it here
I send test mail, please confirm… I send access… I do not mind… I have full backup in place, outside host
I am still researching and if I find anything for sure I will share here the outcome
@guru I wish all community members were like you ?? unfortunately for me I had already seen this answer of your on other topics, tried the trick but again same results…
Following exactly your steps.
although the standard is ‘sq’ for Albanian i have followed the ‘al’ declaration all over the posts, menu etc. with mqTranslate but as soon as I got the updates even when I downgrade back I still can’t make it work… the thing is that it works for different pages
Sorry for the screen… I know the issue ??
Yes Albanian is the default and yes it looks like it does not update the language variable or in this case the cookie (I did debug it actually and found out that the cookie is updated perfectly nice with ‘en’ and ‘al’ values). The strangest thing here is that it looks like some kind of cache… but I absolutely have no cache activated or even installed.
I already tried it with Twenty Fifteen and produces the same behavior.
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LayerSlider WP
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Simply Poll
Spam Free WordPress
WPBakery Visual Composer
WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X————-
I already tried to disable all, enable only qtranslate-x and default WP theme. Still no results…. the strangest thing!
I set the Albanian language as ‘al’ and ‘sq_AL’
Reference: https://imgur.com/QAgQ6NK
I thank you again on this… I really turn here after trying all the possible answers that I found on different forums with no result
First thank you for your prompt answer and your time.
Please check this reference for the language button: https://imgur.com/tQSKEzq
The problem is like this:
1) You open the website and the default language comes up.
2) The moment you try to change the language then only the widgets get updated with the selected language.
3) Header menu and main content of the page does not translate.
4) No matter how many times you try.
5) If you navigate from a widget link to a translated page then the content gets translated.
6) If you return to homepage the problem is still there.—-
Further tests:
1) The moment you perform an edit to a page a post or the menu and you click update then if you try again to switch the language only once it works. After first switch problem remains.—-
I hope I explained the details…
just to check the issues please find here the blog: https://investigim.al/ (is a non-profit organisation)