12 years ago
Temporary fix… installed this, but need a long term fix
I have tried both options above, however neither work for me…. any ideas?
Hi Mark,
Managed to fix the issue by doing a CSV import, so all fine, however I’ve found a new issue now, which is it removes my option to add a feature image to posts….. Will open a new support call for this
13 years, 1 month ago
bump – anything?
Hmm odd – I def put in the backend, where do I manually add them?
also I have put a black image in and there is a thin line visable, where can I remove this?
OK I added those, and tried with the CSS, but nothing seems to be happening… bit miffed! But I’m not all that confident with CSS
Simple ad manager – wordpress plugin
I can’t do it like that as its a ad rotator script that puts the image there
13 years, 6 months ago
Sorry also realised a number 6 ??
Need to be able to have on the sidebar 2 ‘modules’ which can be inherited from a page (this is how we used to do it) for next game and latest score
Thanks again!