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  • Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: "Fake" pages for categorties?
    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Nope definitely categories!

    I am aware of the custom post types solution as we utilise it elsewhere.

    I’d rather continue to use categories as they were intended in terms of grouping posts. The sub urls will simply hold specific types of ‘film’ content (eg those tagged with news, features, video etc).

    From a URL perspective it wouldn’t be preferable to have to use ?=news to get the desired effect.

    I was hoping there’d be a way to add a custom sub category without actually creating it as such (especially since they couldn’t have the same slug).

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Hi David,

    Thanks again for coming back to me.

    Yes there’s certainly an issue with point 1 due to the space constraints. This looks useful – but perhaps isn’t very “obvious” to the user that it is searchable:

    The other way of doing it could be to have an option to get rid of the drop down altogether and simply replace the default WordPress search box with a more robust autosearch… I’ve done a mockup for what I would suggest in an ideal world:

    View post on

    Clicking on each result would immediately show you the images from that Media Category (in the same way selecting an option in the dropdown list currently does).

    Obviously this is likely to be a very niche requirement given our usage of categories in this instance. If it’s something you’d consider and is possible for a premium version of the plugin I’d certainly be interested in having that conversation.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Hi David

    Appreciate the response.

    Yes in most cases tags would be the way to go for this amount of things, but we want to create a media library that is browsable by category (essentially automatically creating galleries). We’ve already got things pretty much working in terms of the frontend of this now, it’s just streamlining the management of it and usability from our writers perspective for when they are using the images in articles.

    So we have, for example

    – Movies
    — Fight Club
    — Toy Story
    — Etc
    – Actors
    — Chris Rock
    — Christian Bale
    — Etc
    – Barcelona
    — Lionel Messi
    — Xavi


    As you’ve seen, the list is quite large! What would likely be ideal is if above the drop down, or even just replacing the dropdown entirely, was a style search box that found the appropriate category for you as you typed it in. So if I began typing… “Chri”… it would bring up Chris Nolan and Christian Bale as selectable options.

    I did have another query in light of how we’ve got it structured. At the moment, when I select a category from the dropdown – it only reveals the images that are directly linked to that category. With our setup, I’m only putting the images into the bottom level child category. E.g. I am putting an image in the “Lionel Messi” category but not the “Barcelona” category. When I select the “Barcelona” category, though, I am not seeing any of the images that are in the child categories.

    Is it possible? I’ve got this setup working on our frontend output (e.g. I can browse through all the images that are in the children categories of “Barcelona”).

    Obviously I’m aware the new media modal/library is a bit of a pain and undocumented, so no idea if this is possible in the backend but it would be awesome is there was a way to make this work.

    We have/had this same issue. It took me ages to figure out why people were being taken out of groups!

    I have made a small edit to the plugin as a workaround if you’re interested:


    /* Update the user groups when the edit user page is updated. */
    		add_action( 'personal_options_update', array(&$this, 'save_user_user_groups'));
    		add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array(&$this, 'save_user_user_groups'));

    And replace with:

    /* Update the user groups when the edit user page is updated. */
    		if(current_user_can('edit_users')) {
    		add_action( 'personal_options_update', array(&$this, 'save_user_user_groups'));
    		add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array(&$this, 'save_user_user_groups'));

    Anyone been able to discover a work around for this? The best I’ve been able to do is change the “edit” text to say something more useful.

    Normal users simply don’t need to be able to choose between multiple statuses. All they need to do is move from being a draft to pending review. The original button did this perfectly. I love the edit flow plugin from an administration point of view, to handle article pitches and assignments, and as an admin being able to move stuff between these statuses is great, but for normal users the original button is much clearer and results in no confusion.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [User Groups] FastCGI Error
    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Any update on this? It fills up our error log and takes up a lot of space.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    I meant that if you register an attachment taxonomy (this is what I meant by “default”) it shows up as a tag box, regardless of whether or not you choose hierarchical.

    This is my register taxonomy, which I have specified should be hierarchical.

    register_taxonomy( 'wcmedia', 'attachment',
    array( 'hierarchical' => true,
    'capabilities' => array(
    'manage_terms' => 'install_plugins',
    'edit_terms' => 'install_plugins',
    'delete_terms' => 'install_plugins',
    'assign_terms' => 'publish_posts'
    'label' => 'Media Categories', 								'has_archive' => true,								'public' => true,
    'query_var' => true,						'rewrite' => true ) );
    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm



    Thanks. That tidied it up a bit, though they still aren’t quite hierarchical. I appreciate the help though as it’s definitely more usable now.

    View post on

    One thing that seems to be missing is the “add category” though… is that functionality not available yet for custom tax? Great work though, there’s so little documentation out there for the new media manager.

    I really don’t understand why the default wordpress media taxonomies aren’t hierarchical in the modal like they are on the edit media page.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Setting a post back to the draft doesn’t get rid of the date though.

    Yes, it won’t “publish”, but it doesn’t unset the date.

    If an editor in the future went back into the draft and pressed publish… it would in fact get published X days/weeks in the past (unless they were to notice the date has been previously set, but it doesn’t seem ideal to rely on this).

    I’m just wanting to revert back to the pre-scheduling functionality of having a draft be published “immediately” without having to worry about an editor recognising the fact they need to manual reset a date.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    What’s the best way to report this bug? I couldn’t see it on the master list of issues.

    EDIT: Nevermind, looks like it’s already been reported:

    Same issue. Had to disable the plugin as it was adding hundreds of lines to an error log every minute.

    WordPress 3.5

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Wonderful thanks Tobias for the rapid response.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    Javascript Error Console in Chrome reports the following:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘add’ of undefined

    Why on earth do I need to start my own topic? The original poster has said exactly the same problems that we are experiencing? Surely copying and pasting exactly the same information is just duplicating content/effort?

    Same problem here. Running Nginx with varnish.

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