Forum Replies Created
Fixed. I think…didn’t know there was an extensions manager…
Thanks Austra, would love to get this working for sub directories
Austra – does this allow you to make sub directories: or subdomains
Also for the upload file, do you need to enter the desired URL or just the directory name?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Permalinks are all messed up. Found fix – Need helpAndrea_r Already did, and didn’t work.
Now I’ve uploaded to the root .htaccess file:
RedirectMatch permanent ^/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/([a-z0-9\-/]+)$1
Which seems to have fixed the problem, though I need to see if the other sites were effected.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Permalinks are all messed up. Found fix – Need helpThanks for the comment but that doesn’t help. Will this change to my .htaccess effect all the blogs on my install? or just the one I want it too? I only see one wp-config.php file, so I assume if I put it there, it will effect all of them.
or maybe it doesn’t matter?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 160,000 back links showing in Webmaster tools to from one siteEmil this is the problem. I get a LONG list of links – NONE of which link to the site they say they do. NOT ONE.
Why? Where are the links? Where are they hiding? If I go to a purported link that points to the target site, there is nothing on the page, or in the code. They don’t exist.
Very frustrating
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 160,000 back links showing in Webmaster tools to from one siteGreat, but the question then is where are they? If I can’t see them from the front or back where are they? Anywhere i can look?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 160,000 back links showing in Webmaster tools to from one siteOk, that is interesting, but why are there so many on the Google form? And is google actually acknowledging these? I have maybe 10 links to Wine travel guides from Catavino in total. So there are no nofollow links that I can find…very strange
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 160,000 back links showing in Webmaster tools to from one siteYes it shows that Catavino is linking to 160,000+ times
and that Catavino is linking to Catavino 50,000,000+ times
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need help with qTranslate and sidebarthis call is not working for me…Here’s my template setup:
<?php _e('[lang_en]text text tesxt text[/lang_en][lang_pt]different text text tesxt text[/lang_pt]'); ?>
I go to the “pt” page and it works fine, but the “en” page just gives me this:
[lang_en]text text tesxt text[/lang_en][lang_pt]different text text tesxt text[/lang_pt]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New FAlbum 0.6.8 ProblemIt worked great on my other blogs, but this latest one is not setting up the table. Sadly mySQL is not my strength
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New FAlbum 0.6.8 ProblemI’m having a problem in that I can’t create the table. I just get this:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘treynes_wrdp1.wp2falbum_cache’ doesn’t exist]
DELETE from wp2falbum_cacheSince I know very little of mySQL, can someone tell me how to create this table manually?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Weather Widget neededThanks for the reply’s I may have jumped the gun a bit. But here is the gist of it. There is an automatic output for various “vineyard” locations around the property. Each location grows different grapes. SO I thought (depending on the output form of the data) that I might be able to either do a small grpahical map or a sidebar list that would show the current or daily temp.
I know that I need to find out that data format, and that should be coming to me this week. I should have a login to the site where they monitor it ‘live’. At that point I’ll post more information. Since they do have a site that collects the info as it comes it I assume that I can at least extract the temp/wind info and use it on the site.
Design Pastor: the info is automatic, not manual, the trick is seeing the format. I wanted to see if the idea was possible first. I assume the data needs to be in a format that could be translated to whatever I needed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post cutting off after “getcontent”Please help…The above dialouge that I thought was resolved is now effecting my rss feed. I’m getting this:
XML Parsing Error: unclosed CDATA section
Line Number 28, Column 25: <description><![CDATA[
————————————–^Anyone want to help?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post cutting off after “getcontent”I hope someone reads this…Go to
Notice the post at the top is the one I have been trying to get to work. It may or may not be the accents. Notice the post before it. “Sorry tyring to fix my Blog” If I delete this post then “Portuguese wine Vocab” won’t work. I’m really confused. I was playing with parts of the main post to see which part was causing the weird behavior and I accidently posted the original after one of the “tests”. The original worked, so I went to delete the “test”. Then went back to see how it looked and the Original no longer worked. So I put back the “test” back up and it works…Not sure if I explained it right, but I’m not sure what is going on….ANythoughts….