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I have more information for you, my last post did not go through, this will help. I also would give you access to the, it was not in the database as we thought.
the hacker is exploiting membership level with ID 1 only
we had sucuri run scans and found nothing, so not sure how he is injecting it, and we found no user nor anything in the database or wordpress directories
when we disabled the first membership with id =1 they still came
we also had location blocker on only allowing one country, the hacker must be sophisticated because they switched to that country in the ip addresss
strange with the membership level inactive the new user accounts are created even if a payment does not go through and new stripe transactions and emails sent to the admin side
when we deleted the membership level it stopped..
i hope this gives you a way to work this out.
Another bug I found, when the hacker tried to make a payment and it failed or did not go through, our noreply@ email got a message that the the hackers fake email was not delievered, but why send an email in the first place if the payment did not go through? this caused my host also concerns thinking we were spaming people.
they should not get an activation email if the payment did not go through, please check this, thank you
plus I have thousands of transactions that failed is a mess inside the plugin admin side
More updates, our security have found the hacker got into your free plugin, then injected code through your plugin to the database, then changed the wp-admin .htacccess and added a script inside the database so my tech deleted the database and restored from a backup without the injection. So far it seems ok, he added more firewall and hardening to the site .. but the site is now live, the tech will try to catch the next exploiter. Stripe security team is also working on this and they said others have reported it. I know there is a holiday but I would advise all free users to go to another plugin, possibly your pro version is compromised.
rolling keys is difficult I use alot of stripe on my website, but maybe I can get it done,
I went live and attacks started, when I took level 1 membership away they stopped, they are targeting level 1 only that might help you, they must know your code.
but since everything is already set up by levels it would be difficult to change the levels now
like I said even though you want us to pay for things we don’t have the money and barely can afford what we do have at the moment
cloudflare only helps if we pay ..
i take it back one of the donation pages it spins
sorry got it to work on live site now
now donation circle spins on test site it worked
got the recaptcha enabled, thank you with the code
now I have to get this on restrict content plugin also a ddos but they want us to pay a lot of money for a pro version to have recaptcha
thanks for your humble response, we are a network, but we cannot afford your yearly pro version, subscriptions only keep the project alive, and now we face closing down out of 14,000 only a few hundred subscribed for $10 a year they can also barely afford subscription 20 subscribed for $25 a year that only pays hosting.
i tried the route of the plugin for recaptcha but I do not know your plugin slug, and I tried what I thought, but I do not get it going with or without the slug.
since you provide only a short code it is difficult to make the user use captcha and any javascript attack can hi-jack your ajax and insert bogus information. I remember when I had a stripe plugin (recommended by stripe) for woocommerce and had the same problem with over 100K $1 and $2 entries, Stripe pulled the plugin because they failed to comply with recaptcha and security
I hope this is not the case for you, and migrating to another plugin, I don’t know how, I have a lot of content on the website it would be impossible
we have asked for a pro version in the past and explained our cause but were not given a pro version
but as you said you take your bank seriously, then please help me implement captcha, i have been working with you already on another issue and you have my email so possibly we can work from there but i think it should be public so others facing the issue can have a solution and recaptcha is the safest
or you can tell me how to integrate your cloudflare solution, I tried for 8 hours and never got it work
so my main site is down, I have a temporary site and have no content until you fix it or help.
Maybe is a recaptcha solution, what is the slug of your plugin ?
Thanks but I see another person also having the same problem, and Stripe also told me it was due to your plugin not having captcha. I just had a look at your suggestion, but there is no way to wrap this into your form that requests payment data, and I tried it on one page but it does not go near the shortcode.
Maybe you can provide the code I need to add it or add recaptcha to your free version. This is a nightmare, now I have thousands of dollars stolen from my bank as Stripe is debting my bank account for the thousands of fraudulent charges until they can resolve the payments, because over 120,000 had a charge, but were marked fraudulent, now I have bank problems. I am sure I am not alone.
Cloudflare said it was injecting through your plugin as well as Stripe also said that and the report from the team at my hosts also have logs showing your plugin is effected. Maybe recaptcha will help your plugin.
We did just that but my host says it all comes through your plugin. You have no recaptcha or security anyone can take over your ajax code and inject anything. Sucuri also stated that, so with your plugin down, everything is fine. They stopped.
we are now at 250,000 stripe attempts with your plugin, my hosting has terminated my account 5 times, now take down the website for the holidays until you fix it.
hosting found no malware, no bots, just someone using your plugin to try to fake subscriptions
now is over 100,000 it is coming through your plugin, even though I took the shortcode away from the page they cannot register, but they are still trying through ajax
I have been on the phone for almost 4 hours with cloudflare, with stripe, with my host, and it all points back to your plugin
https://ibb.co/92f3BDTon my host under visitors it is accessing your plugin, but the register page is no shortcode, in fact I deleted the register page for the moment
but still and if I disable the plugin, all the non-subscriber content will be visable
this is a catastrophe!