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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adminimize] Is there a limit?John Sexton after some debugging, I’ve found a workaround that might help you. See this link
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adminimize] Certain usertypes do not save correctly.so, the problem is this…
The data is being posted, I can see it in web dev tools. But when I check the $_POST variable in the plugin inside of _mw_adminimize_update()
The data is not in that $_POST variable.In order to get the data into those user roles I had to add the following code to that function.
// global_options, metaboxes update foreach ( $user_roles as $role ) { // global options if ( isset( $_POST['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_' . $role . '_items'] ) ) { $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_' . $role . '_items'] = $_POST['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_' . $role . '_items']; } else { $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_' . $role . '_items'] = array(); } //custom code is here if($role == 'contributorhumanresources') $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_contributorhumanresources_items'] = $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_contributor_items']; if($role == 'contributorswedenationstation') $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_contributorswedenationstation_items'] = $adminimizeoptions['mw_adminimize_disabled_global_option_contributor_items'];
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adminimize] Is there a limit?I am having the same problem as John Sexton. I went in to add a new css id to adminimize and updated the options, and it will save options for everyone but two usertypes.
Another quirk is that when you check on one header/usertype it will check all the boxes for that usertype as well as the other 2 usertypes that will not save.
There are no javascript errors.
Here is a screenshot of what it looks like before I update the options.
https://docs.google.com/a/silvergear.com/file/d/0B66lbhbv74hEVXl5em1ka3dQelU/edit?usp=drivesdkHere is a screenshot of what it looks like after I update the options.
https://docs.google.com/a/silvergear.com/file/d/0B66lbhbv74hEVTNOUkhZRFE1bFU/edit?usp=drivesdkHere is another screenshot showing my problem with javascript checking all boxes for the corrupt usernames
https://docs.google.com/a/silvergear.com/file/d/0B66lbhbv74hEdWN2Y3ZJZG9xYUU/edit?usp=drivesdkI’ve dumped all the data from the wp_options table in regards to adminimize and tried to enter the settings again and nothing changes.
MFSAM – I am not experiencing the same problem as you.
WordPress 3.7.1
I appreciate the information, however I need a little bit more.
I assume you’re saying I need to add some code to my functions.php file that looks a little like this.
function add_revisions_function() { //do stuff } add_filter( 'em_cp_event_supports','add_revisions_function' );
any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
No. Events are just a custom post type. I want to access the revisions for events just like I would post or page revisions.
Where do I download this version? I only see available for download.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] Cannot load flamingo_inbound.I found a conflict with flamingo and woocommerce.
I get this message when woocommerce is activated.
“Cannot load flamingo_inbound.”
When woocommerce is deactivated I do not get the error.I updated to the latest version of woocommerce today (Version 2.0.1) and the conflict still persists.
all changes are surrounded by these comments
/* oasis hack *//* end oasis hack */
The three files edited are:
wpgft-loader.php1.) Inside of wpgft_processOrder.php
Around line 118ish change thisif(isset($_POST['wpgft_purch'])) { to this if(isset($_POST['wpgft_purch'])) { /* oasis hack */ $error_qty = notBlank($_POST['quantity'], ‘Quantity’); /* end oasis hack */
2.) Inside of wpgft_processOrder.php
Around line 266 add this code/* oasis hack */ $post_content .='<dt><span class="wpgft_req">*</span>Quantity:</dt>'; $post_content .= '<dd><div><input type="text"'.$ro.' name="quantity" value="1" id="quantity" value="'.esc_attr($_POST['quantity']).'" /></div><div class="smalltext">Each Gift Certificate is $125.00</div>'; if($error_qty) $post_content .='<br /><span class="wpgft_error">'.$error_qty.'</span></dd>'; /* end oasis hack */
3.) in wpgft_ipnHandler.php
starting just after $data = explode(‘~’,$_POST[‘custom’]);
change it to/* oasis hack */ $data_array = array(); $send = false; $qty = intval($_POST['quantity']); for($i=0;$i<$qty;$i++) { $ipn_data = array( 'cert_num' => $_POST['txn_id'] . '-' . $i, //cert_nums are new 'recipient' => $data[0], 'cert_amount' => $_POST['mc_gross'] / $qty, // division is new 'sold_to' => $_POST['first_name'] . " " . $_POST['last_name'], 'sold_to_email' => $data[1], 'sold_to_phone' => $data[2], 'sold_to_address' => $_POST['address_street'] . ", " . $_POST['address_city'] . ", " . $_POST['address_state'] . " " . $_POST['address_zip'], 'sale_date' => $_POST['payment_date'], 'status' => "Issued", 'secret' => sha1($comboString), 'button_id' => $data[3] ); $ipn_format = array('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'); if($ipn_business == $paypal_email) { $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix.'wpgft_data', $ipn_data, $ipn_format); $ipn_data['currency'] = $_POST['mc_currency']; $send = true; } else { $send = false; } $data_array[] = $ipn_data; } if($send) { send_cert_email2($data_array); } /* end oasis hack */
4.) in wpgft-loader.php here is the new send_cert_email2 function. Add it just after the original send_cert_email function. You will have two now.
/* oasis hack */ function send_cert_email2($data_array) { $wpgft_options = get_option("wpgft_options"); //include the user supplied message $message = $wpgft_options['email_message']; foreach($data_array as $payment_data) { $current_button = get_current_button($payment_data['button_id']); if($current_button['company'] != "") { $company = $current_button['company']; $companyinfo = nl2br($current_button['coinfo']); } else { $company = $wpgft_options['company']; $companyinfo = nl2br($wpgft_options['company_info']); } $urltoEncode = get_option('siteurl') . "/?verifyGft=true&" . "cert=".$payment_data['cert_num']."&amount=".$payment_data['cert_amount']."&data=".$payment_data['secret']; $url = urlencode($urltoEncode); $imgCode = '<img src="https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chld=|1&chl='.$url.'" alt="QR Code" />'; $wordAmount = convert_number($payment_data['cert_amount']) . ' and <sup>' . substr($payment_data['cert_amount'], -2) . '/100</sup> ---'; $currencySymbol = get_currSymbol($payment_data['currency']); // email stuff (change data below) $to = $payment_data['sold_to_email']; $from = $wpgft_options['admin_email']; $subject = "Your Certificate Order"; //Build the Certificate out $message .= '<br /><br /> <table style="border: solid 1px #000;width: 600px;"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><img src="https://homemaidwichita.com/wp-content/themes/homemaid/images/HomeMaidLogo-175height.jpg"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-top:10px; font-weight: bold; padding-right: 10px; text-align: right; padding-bottom: 25px; width:110px;">CERT Num:</td> <td style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom: 25px; width:310px;">'.$payment_data['cert_num'].'</td> <td style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom: 25px;">Issued: '.date("m/d/y").'</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; width:110px;">To:</td> <td style="border-bottom: solid 3px #000;">'.$payment_data['recipient'].'</td> <td style="border: solid 1px #000;">'.$currencySymbol.$payment_data['cert_amount'].'</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" style="padding-left: 15px; padding-top: 25px; border-bottom: solid 3px #000; font-style: italic;">'.$wordAmount.'</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" ><span style="font-size:32px;">'.$company.'</span><br/>'.$companyinfo.'</td> <td>'.$imgCode.'</td> </tr> </table> '; } // a random hash will be necessary to send mixed content $separator = md5(time()); // carriage return type (we use a PHP end of line constant) $eol = PHP_EOL; // main header (multipart mandatory) $headers = "From: ". $company . " <" . $from . ">". $eol; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".$eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$separator."\"".$eol.$eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit".$eol; $headers .= "This is a MIME encoded message.".$eol.$eol; // message $headers .= "--".$separator.$eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"".$eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$eol.$eol; //$headers .= $message.$eol.$eol; // send message $sendit = wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); //Code to troubleshoot email problems. /* if(!$sendit) { $tempOptions = get_option('wpgft_options'); $tempOptions['admin_email'] = "EMAIL FAILED"; update_option('wpgft_options', $tempOptions); } */ } /* end oasis hack */
I never had any problems with the mailer. I’m using wordpress 3.3.1 so maybe you’re right.
I posted the above code on his site https://www.suburbanmedia.net/wordpress-plugins/wp-gift-cert
in the comments section and he didn’t approve the comment so I know he is at least still maintaining the website.I don’t know why you would be having problems with the mailer, because the code in the plugin is using wp_mail function.
The function send_cert_email is in wpgft-loader.php but that’s about all I can tell you.
$events = EM_Events::get( array('category'=>13,'orderby'=>'date') );
What the hell is wrong with
SELECT * FROM wp_em_events WHERE event_category_id = 1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Menu] [Plugin: WP-Menu] Secondary menu – incorrect permalinkaround line 270ish I added this code
/*oasis hack: add forward slash*/ if($params['nav_type'] == 'secondary') $ret[$x]['link_href'] = $params['select_href']."/".$result[$x]->post_name."/"; else $ret[$x]['link_href'] = $params['select_href'].$result[$x]->post_name."/";
Thanks for no help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with CSS overflow in IESolved
I needed to add a
attribute to the themes
#contentForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with CSS overflow in IE“WP-ECommerce plugin”
I ran it through the xhtml validator and found some errors. Those erros are now fixed and it does validate. The errors were occuring in product_display_functions.php
On line 400 It had some hex gremlins in place of single quotes. I changed the line to.
$output .= “<span class=’additional_description_span’>”;// add better optionAnother source of the errors was a block level <p> tag inline.
This was caused by the additional description field also. When you enter text into the additional description field in the back end it (without my permission) adds a <p> tags to your paragraph. Seemingly harmless but unnessescary. (unless this hooks into the AJAX functions).I don’t understand how to read the CSS errors when I validate the page’s CSS.
[QUOTE]div.single_product_display div.textcol Property _margin-left doesn’t exist : 69px [/QUOTE]
that doesn’t make sense to me.. Ofcourse it doesn’t exist. I never put it in there. If I do put it in there, I still get the error. Any help with deciphering these errors is appreacieated.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with CSS overflow in IEI have fixed all the xhtml errors. I don’t really understand the errors when I try to validate the CSS. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction once more?
Page in question: