Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Insert custom field in VIEWsure you can.. use the “Meta” View brick ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] User Kindergarten Level how do I put widget on 1 page onlyI’m sorry I do not have a time for step by step howto..
In view choose what you want to see, and in controls choose “on ID” where you define the page id you would like to see what you would like to see, and then use “by ID” where you define the id of the “All the Sports of our Lives” page.. do not forget to use the “type” brick where you have to rewrite the native “post” to “page”
??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World weather - WWO] fatal errorI will look on that..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Can I use this to modify Max Magazine Theme?Hey,
I can’t help personally, I’m not having time to build or fix someones website. If you want to change something in some third party theme, better follow the way how the theme is done.If the theme has a place for widgets on place where you need what you need then try Easy if you want, You can’t brake anything. If you do not like the result just uninstall Easy,, or drop the widget and you’ll be fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] No link with featured image viewThe first case should work.
The second case is weird, because the link to object obviously point to a page/post that the picture belongs to.Basically what you would like to do is doable.
post a screenshot of the actual widget so I can see what you have there.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Lightbox with imagesure thing.
Use the Fancybox for WordPress. I use it all the time and it works without any problem.. If you would like to apply it only on some divs set up it’s class in the Fancybox settings.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Emails not sendingsame problem. (WPEC
WP sends emails correctly (password recovery etc.).What I found out is that the email is okej once sent out of the gmail mouth. Google took it as spam.. because it recognizes the server from which the email is being send as another domain.
this might be a solution (in the case that emails ends up in the Gmail spam)
add to your dns this:
TXT ‘v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com a:DOMAIN-NAME-OF-THE-ACTUAL-SERVER.COM ~all’Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content character count live] Doesn't work!that is most likely if you have multiple tinymce areas on one page… if that is the case then I’m working on it, if not.. then I need more informations, screenshots etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Previous/Next Link Not Workingheh ?? so much things ??
I think the problem is that the are many loop that has different number of pages.
The thing is that the page number (no matter for what loop) is a general variable “hidden” in the global Query. There is always global query, no matter what. And so if you have many loops on one page which are set to be affected by the pagination they read the page number from global query, all of them at once. That is how they know on what page they are, they get the number from global query. and so if you have for example two loops one with posts filling 3 pages and second loop with posts filling 4 pages.. and you call them on one page.. say homepage, you will list through both at once, but! But when you go on page 4, the loop with 3 will be affected too, and so will show empty result.. and so on and so forth.
(note: Wp-pagenavi shows page numbers related to it actual query(loop) not more, because it knows how many pages the actual query has.. but you still can go on with page numbers and the whole WP will reacts to it.. you can safely go to page domain.com/page/150000 and Wp will try to show what it has for that page)Basically the case is that we have only one page number we are relating on… The setup you would like to build is unrealistic. .. as far I can imagine.
In such or similar situation I would use paging only for the main loop , set all the the other loop not affected by pagination and add link to the archive for them.
I know this is not what you are looking for, but it will not produce unwanted results. The world has some limitations ?? .. sure I might be wrong ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Previous/Next Link Not Workingcan you please check if the problem is still present.. I did some changes in this scope which might solve the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Easy Page Builder = not workingquote:
these very complex widgets don’t work with Page Builder because they have Javascript that’s builtthat’s what I thought so.
Frankly it is bit out of scope, but if I’ll have a time then I can surely find a way how to make them work together.The trick is really load the javascripts and CSS not only in widget editing area.. I suppose.
I’m keep it in mind and if I have a bit of spare time I will look on that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Easy Page Builder = not workingEasy is a widget, registred as any other widget. If the Page builder can work with other widgets well then it has to work with Easy as well.. unless the Easy is deregistered with some plugin, or something like that.
Sure if the easy can be finally loaded by Page builder, then Easys javascript and CSS won’t be present making Easy widget functionless .. on that post, page etc.. That is because in normal cases it doesn’t make sense to load Easys js and css files when they are not in use, they are loaded only when editing widgets in the widget screen.
I’m not sure though what you mean they do not work together, can you be more specific?
If the problem is the case what I have just mentioned, then it should be easy make an check box for such exception which will load the js and css all the time.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Paddingthat depends solely on your css.
Easy generates the classes as the WordPress does. Which is nice and logical.
If you would like to define the padding, or what ever generaly you’ll find there a general class like .hentry or .post.. if your CSS rules doesn’t work then they are beaten by the suffusion theme, or other css.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Save yourself the effortsame experience.. wp e-commerce is hell.
(A was super surprised how well is woo done.)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy] Read More buttonBelieve it’s okej now.. marking as resolved. if not reopen it if you like.