Forum Replies Created
I figured it out. It had something to do with a display: none that I was using in my responsive css. All’s good and the PHP code is working.
Same problem with the code straight from the links you provided. It makes the toolbar disappear on mobile:
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>
Logged In
<?php } else { ?>
Not Logged In
<?php } ?>If I take that bit out, the toolbar works on mobile just fine.
Thank you.
I used this, and it works great on PC, but on Mobile it makes the WordPress toolbar disappear. Can someone help fix this?
<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); ?>
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo “Hey, ” . $current_user->user_login . “!” . “\n”; }
else {
echo “Welcome to the site! Register“; }
?>Can you please specify where this should be added? I don’t know much about adding hooks.
Thank you.
I can obviously see where the code is going wrong, but I don’t know why it’s happening. All I did was use [mycred_sell_this price=”5″]This part of the page is at a special rate of 5 points.[/mycred_sell_this] on a page and it resulted in what you see @ that pastebin link.
I really appreciate you taking a look.
Didn’t even see that option; it was really hidden. Thank you!
How can I put the “Ranks” just under that?
No, no changes to the templates; all default.
Trying to figure out why the interaction, but stumped.
Hi Gabriel,
I have included a screenshot of where I would like for this information to appear:
Hi Gabriel,
This is the code I tried using:
[mycred_sell_this price=”5″]This part of the page is at a special rate of 5 points.[/mycred_sell_this]This is the error I’m seeing when a regular member tries to access that content:
https://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4812/u5io.jpgThank you.
On your site I also just saw that I can’t sell multiple items in a single post. That makes things difficult as well. It would be great to have this capability added.
That would be great, Gabriel.
Your support is top-notch.
Thank you.
I found another bug, too.
When viewing a user’s profile, if you have more than one custom profile field, the “Rank” shows once after every custom profile field.
Suppose I can just manually edit the bar’s CSS file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] BuddyPress? bbPress?Actually, I still can’t figure out how to fix the canonical URL of each member’s profile page so that they work. The solution I found removes it completely, but also removes the og:url tag. Any ideas?
Well don’t I feel stupid. ??
Thank you for being so nice about it.