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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PAYMILL for WordPress] Payframe versus previous formHi Matthias,
okay thanks for the quick answer! Mhmh, okay that sucks ?? I will call Paymill again to see if they may be able to help me out a bit more.
In terms of integration and default design – there is no difference to the previous form?
Thanks again,
SebastianHi Ben,
sorry for not thanking/getting back on this (for some reason I did not get an email notification). Yes – Hans is right, have a look here: https://support.woothemes.com/hc/en-us/articles/202894359-Bookings-Use-Case-Multi-Vendor-Shop-Example-with-Product-Vendors
So the wooc vendor extension does seem to wotk with wooc booking extension – any chance you will be able to integrate that into WC Vendors?
Thanks a lot,
SebastianForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Pre Purchase QuestionOkay sounds good, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Pre Purchase QuestionHi,
thanks for the quick answer – so by default no accessible page will be created? I am asking as we do NOT want an automatic post/page to be created for each poll.
SebastianForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] Translation – Plural " s"Hi there,
thanks for the super quick answer. For some reason wordpress does not show that you guys released new updates – I am still using version 2.1.2
SebastianForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooDiscuz - WooCommerce Comments] wpDiscuz not available anymore?okay cool, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Claudio Sanches - PagSeguro for WooCommerce] PagSeguro – assinaturasOi Claudio,
ah ok, obrigado! Espero que um dia funcione automaticamente pelo plugin. Existe um outro plugin de pagamento, que suporta pagamentos com cart?ao de crédito no Brasil? Porque Stripe e Braintree infelizmente n?o funcionam…
Muito obrigado,
PeterOlá Claudio,
^^ tem um update quanto a minha pergunta talvez?
Muito obrigado,
PeterObrigado Gabriel – vou fazer ??
Só mais uma pergunta pequena: Seria possível combinar os plugins para Pàgseguro e bCash, por exemplo oferecendo o boleto através do bCash e o cart?o de crédito através do PagSeguro?
Muito obrigado,
PeterOi Claudio,
muito obrigado pelas prontas respostas. Eu queria uma cobran?a automática mensal, mas ent?o n?o é possível da forma que eu imaginei. Ent?o seria apenas possível o cliente pagar manualmente todo mês.
Agora me resta só mais uma dúvida. Seria possível combinar os plugins para Pàgseguro e bCash, por exemplo oferecendo o boleto através do bCash e o cart?o de crédito através do PagSeguro.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado e quando posso ajudar, vou fazer isso.
PeterOi Claudio,
podemos fazer em português tranquilamente ??
onde se encontra exatamente a vers?o “paga”? N?o entendi direito o que você quis dizer com isso – e o plugin do bCash que criou também é grátis?
E tenho algumas outras dúvidas – seria legal se pudesse me dar um resposta rápida:
1) é possível usar o PagSeguro para pagamentos parcelados (p.ex. 12 x R$9,99)? Se sim, isso significa que o PagSeguro cobra automaticamente um valor mensal do cart?o de crédito do cliente? Ou n?o funciona de forma nenhuma?
2) No contexto de n?o ter pagamentos recorrentes no PagSeguro: Há uma maneira de enviar uma solicita??o de pagamento automaticamente ao usuário por e-mail com um bot?o “Pagar agora” (me refiro aqui ao que falou “cria um invoice todo mês.”)?
3) Também vi que criou o plugin para bCash – o bCash permite pagamentos recorrentes mensalmente?
PeterHi Claudio,
thanks for your answer. Okay – so basically PagSeguro does not support this. In terms of paying by rates (e.g. 12 x R$9,99) –> basically this is the same process, isn’t it? Is this supported by PagSeguro, so that monthly rate payments in this case are then automatically taken from the client’s credit card (via PagSeguro)? Or does this also not work?
In terms of not having automatic recurring payments by PagSeguro: Is there a way to automatically send the the invoice including a “pay now” button to the user via email once a month (so what you said in terms of “creates an invoice each month.”)?
I see you also have created the bCash plugin – does bCash offer this function for recurring payments?
Sorry for the detailed questions – but we are in the process of deciding which payment provider to use (by the way – great job on the PagSeguro plugin! Being able to use the “Transparente” design is something which exceeded my expexcations from available plugins). In case you are also offering paid support – I may be interested in this when we actually start implenting payment to our checkout (right now we still have our developers working on the shop).
Thanks a lot,
PeterForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Comment Pagination – Add rel=”next” & rel=”prev”oops, sorry – disregard that second post (was for a differnt thread)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Export Suite for CSV and XML Datafeed] Limit after 100 items?Must have been a local IP issue – no idea why ; but I was able to import again using a different comuter and internet connection
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Comment Pagination – Add rel=”next” & rel=”prev”Must have been a local IP issue – no idea why ; but I was able to import again using a different comuter and internet connection