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  • What’s giving you that message? Most likely the certificate you’re using is not right for your site domain name. That could be because the certificate itself has not been generated correctly, or because the web server has not been configured to serve multiple https:// sites correctly and is therefore using the wrong certificate.

    Yes, it’s reproducible.

    Perhaps the browser is doing the right thing and not sending a cookie set over https to the server when not using https?

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.5 image upload

    Turned out the problem I was having was caused by a Javascript security precaution — the update frame was trying to access the main frame, which was coming from a different domain/protocol.

    The protocol was different because I’ve been trying to make sure my WordPress login is secure, using SSL. It appears that this might be “done properly” in 2.6 (about time! – but thanks), removing the necessity for me to bodge around it, so that problem should be gone then.

    The domain was different because we are lazy and like typing just “blog” in our browsers’ location bars, allowing our DNS resolver to complete the name from our default search domains. This meant that the original page was coming from something like “blog” while the upload frame was from “” (coming from the settings for “wordpress location”).

    To fix this, just make sure that “UseCanonicalName On” is present in the apache config for your virtual host.

    The “NoFlashUpload” plugin appears to have almost exactly zero effect on this system at the moment, by the way. Not sure why, and since the normal upload is now working I’ll probably not bother to work it out.

    The FlexibleUpload plugin also won’t work, as I have symlinked wp-content/* to somewhere outside of /usr, as it’s a bad idea to start editing files inside /usr any more than you absolutely have to on a system with a half-decent package manager. There are other reasons too, but that one will do for now.

    If every other plugin I’ve tried so far can manage without “require ../../../../whatever”, I’m not about to change for one that can’t.

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