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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] SubdirectoriesYeah, I think what you have is an awesome jump in that direction. I do think showing the subdirectories may be what most people who’ve replied here are eventually hoping for… something like this:
which really just lists the subfolders at the top of the list of files. You were asking to what end you’d show subdirectories or what they’d link to. I think they would just show their own contained files (and folders); if there’s a subfolder inside there it would show its contained files (and folders), etc. And of course a link to go UP one directory, either via a table listing at the top or by breadcrumbs or both, like in that demo linked above.
Anyway, hope that helps in some (ANY) way. At least I think that’s what most people with lots of organized subfolders are clamoring for! ?? You’re definitely the closest that anyone’s come to making this work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] SubdirectoriesSo I think I have it working now. I’m not sure if it’s not displaying sub-directories correctly or if this is how it works now.
If I set recursive to on, as such:
[fileaway type=”table” sub=”Meeting_Records” mod=”yes” style=”silver-bullet” paginate=”yes” pagesize=”30″ recursive=”ohglory”]
then it shows ALL the files under the “Meeting_Records” folder in one huge (paginated) list. It doesn’t show the sub-directories — the 2013 folder, 2012 folder, etc contained underneath — each containing their own files.
Is this by design, at least for now? Or is something not displaying correctly?
Thanks very much man!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] SubdirectoriesI think it may have been something with the auto update through my admin. I manually uploaded and overwrote my plugin directory and got my button back. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] SubdirectoriesMr. Stark… You. Are. A. Rockstar.
Only one problem: I’m not seeing the TinyMCE button anymore after updating to 1.5.1.
I tried disabling all other plugins just to make sure it wasn’t a conflict, but no luck. Can anyone else reproduce this, or is it just on my end?
Thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why won't my pagination show up? (Custom Post Type)Yup, the WP-PageNavi plugin with the ‘paged’ query did the trick. Thanks guys! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why won't my pagination show up? (Custom Post Type)Ah, my bad. I had Grey Parrot’s query in there, but I had been trying different things and had changed ‘paged’ to ‘page’ (which some people on The Interwebs had said worked when using it on a page… but not for me).
Anyway, changed ‘page’ in the query back to the original ‘paged’ and NOW your default WP prev/next pagination works fine. I’ll check out PageNavi as well; sounds like that will take care of it.
Thank you very much for the help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why won't my pagination show up? (Custom Post Type)Thanks for the reply. The standard WP functions you posted give me an “Older Entries” link, which goes to the page /latest-news/page/2. However, that page 2 displays the same first 10 posts and won’t actually show any previous posts or pages.
The plugin I’m using is Simple Pagination ( That gives me a “Pages” title at the bottom of the page, as in the function appears to be working, but no actual links to previous posts/pages. But I can’t figure out why the default WP functions won’t work either. :/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why won't my pagination show up? (Custom Post Type)Hi PD, thank you for the reply! Unfortunately that code is still not working for me for some reason.
Does it matter that this is on a PAGE template (i.e. not index), or am I missing anything else? I’ve tried changing ‘paged’ to ‘page’ in your code but still no luck…
It seems so simple but the pagination just won’t show up. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] SubdirectoriesYes, subdirectories would make this the PERFECT directory lister! I’d be happy to shoot a donation your way if this were to get implemented… or possibly even just for trying!
We have over 3,000 files (many years’ worth of PDF’s) spread throughout almost 400 folders/subfolders (like I said, MANY years’ worth split into yearly subfolders). So while File Away is excellent, for our situation we’d still need to create almost 400 pages – one for each folder/subfolder – and then list the contents of each one.
Rupak’s solution looks like a start, in that you can list PAGES as “folders” inside File Away. But from his description on his page, it sounds like you still need to create a page per folder and fake its appearance as a folder; those child pages still need to be made. If there’s ANY way around this, we’d gladly pay for it!
(EDIT: I just saw your post from a few weeks ago… thanks for trying!)
Sorry, one other issue… I can’t copy membership packages. I can add, edit and delete, but when I go to copy it says:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
even though I am an admin. Again, any help is much appreciated. Thank you!