David Nusbaum
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] Updates to comeHi Chris,
I’ll take a look at that issue and try to get a fix in shortly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] WordPress 4.2 Incompatible?Hi Michael,
I’ll take a look today.
What theme are you using and have you tried a different theme? I’m curious if it’s a css issue or something bigger.
I don’t think the open graph tags will be much of an issue, so should be able to knock them out pretty quick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] Album showing up is not mineOk, the first example, https://brookegermanphotography.zenfolio.com/f89998006, resolves to a group rather than a gallery or a collection. I can add support for groups, but ZenfolioPress currently supports galleries or collections.
Is there another example I can look at, or do you have an example bigfriend?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] Album showing up is not mineit looks like nutt318 added the info to the failing page. I’ll do some testing now and see what I can within the ZenfolioAPI to resolve this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] Album showing up is not mineI wrote to nutt318 on this, but didn’t hear back. My email probably ended up in the spam bin.
The zenfolio user name has no impact on the gallery that is displayed. Each gallery and/or collection id on zenfolio is supposed to be unique. I have not been able to compare an incorrect gallery to the one that is expected, so it’s been hard to diagnose. I cannot reproduce with any of my own galleries.
If either of you can supply an id that returns an incorrect result and a full url to the gallery that should be displayed, I’ll find the problem and provide a fix.. yet tonight if possible.
DaveForum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] Embedded thumbnails not showing in FacebookI will look at that today. If’s it ok with you, I can provide a version for you to test and see if it resolves the problem. I am just finishing up test an update that provides square thumbnail options for each of the standard Zenfolio thumbnails sizes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] ZenfolioPress Simbox issueI’ve updated the plug-in to use the latest slimbox code, v2.05, and that seems to have fixed the problem. I just posted it a few minutes ago, so hopefully the download notification will show up shortly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] [Plugin: ZenfolioPress] Two lightbox windows?This problem was fixed so there should no longer being a conflict with the lightbox2 plugin. Please let me know if you experience any more problems in this area.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] [Plugin: ZenfolioPress] Frame/border around the images?I think you will need to create a border around the img rather than the frame. The frame is a fixed size and then I center the image within the frame. I’ll test it out and then post and example.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ZenfolioPress] [Plugin: ZenfolioPress] Two lightbox windows?Sorry for being so slow, lost the notification of posts for some reason.
I am using slimbox, which could have a conflict with the lightbox2 plugin. I’ll see if I can make some minor customizations of slimbox to avoid the conflict. Thanks for pointing this out to me!