Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Wallstreet] Big header text looks bad on mobileI’ll be glad to review but I need to have some more weeks of experience with the theme before I can share my opinion.
KennethForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Wallstreet] Big header text looks bad on mobileThx – this seem to work. I can play around a little with the font-sizes now.
But I assume everyone has this problem which would then be corrected in a theme update later, right?
Since I haven’t done any custom coding myself on the theme.Regards
KennethForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Wallstreet] How to add newsletter to front pageThanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Wallstreet] How to add newsletter to front pageHi.
Thx. And where should this be copied to – which folders exactly?
KennethForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Wallstreet] How to add newsletter to front pageSure.
Have a look here – it will be in one of these three places preferably. Haven’t made up my mind as it would also have an impact how it looks when inserted.
KennethForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Translation strings not workingSo each time Woo is updated, all my own translations in the Danish file is overwritten?
I can contribute, but different webshops have different ways of expressing things, so this would just mess things up with other webshops.
I want to preserve my own translations – is that not possible?
And did you have any clue why Loco shows the correct translations but the site shows the wrong one (which is not anywhere in the file)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Translation strings not workingI don’t know. How do I check this?
In the language file, “Shipping” is translated “Fragt” – but it still shows “Forsendelse”.
The language files are located in /wp-content/languages/woocommerce – this is correct, isn’t it?
I actually also installed Say What, but replacing both “Shipping” and “Shipipng %d” in text domain “woocommerce” with “Fragt” didn’t help at all. It still says “Forsendelse”.
All other strings are fine and are the ones I previously translated/altered.
Note: How do I backup the changes, I made to the Danish translations (to match my own personale language), so I don’t have to make the changes after updating Woo next time?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] Invoice 'skipped' a numberHi Ewout
Thanks for your reply.
I already work with invoice creation first being made upon completed status.
There is no orders besides my completed orders, no orders in the trash folder, and when I lookup in the database for _wcpdf_invoice_number in the wp_postmeta tabel, I get this – no sign of the invoice 160 :o/
KennethForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Quickpay] Problemer ved betaling via MobilepayHej
Ja, det tror jeg gerne – men jeg kan bare konstatere, at blandt min lille kundegruppe, er det 80% af dem der f?rste gang st?der p? valideringen hos mig.
QuickPay siger, at den st?r som autoriseret hos dem – og at det er i MobilePay-betalingsvinduet, at fejlen er.
Jeg har haft fat i en kunde og f?et sk?rmbilleder tilsendt. Det viser fint forl?bet. Kunden har efter sk?rmbillede to verificeret sig via appen, som betalingsvinduet beder hende om, men n? hun trykker “Afslut” – ryger hun s? bare tilbage til min butik og f?r at videre, at ordren er annulleret (dvs. de f?r besked om, at det gik skidt, men de kan ikke forst? det, da de har gjort, hvad systemet har fortalt dem).
Jeg overvejer at sl? MobilePay fra, det 80% af dem der v?lger det f?r en d?rlig oplevelse. I hvert fald indtil problemet er l?st.
Jeg vil pr?ve at tage fat i Danske Bank ogs? (det er dem, der har problemet if?lge Quickpay), men det er nok en lang og tung gang, inden jeg f?r dem i tale.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Quickpay] Problemer ved betaling via MobilepayHej.
Nej, men der er heller ikke mange shops, der har MobilePay (MP) endnu.
1. Der er intet transaktions-ID p? ordren i Woo
2. I QuickPay st?r ordren under Initial, ikke under de andre faner. S? vidt jeg kan se, st?r den som approved, men pengene kan ikke h?ves, refunderes eller noget andet – det ligner en ‘ghost payment’ ??Se sk?rmbilleder – det er den nederste, jeg har v?ret inde og kigge p? (den ?verste ser m?rkelig ud – s?dan har ingen af de andre set ud. De er samme person der har pr?vet to gange med en halv times mellemrum).
KennethStill have the same issue. Guess I would have to download the update manually then ??
Just for info.
Great, thanks.
Thanks. I’ll have to ask them then.
Okay – so it is Woo og Oxygen that actually makes sure the retail price is crossed and the discount price shown instead on the desktop version?
And it is therefore also Oxygen I should contact to have the discount price shown on mobile layout?
KennethThat was quick, thanks!