Robert Windisch
Forum Replies Created
Hi Eric,
our plugin will help you translate wordpress core post types. But other developers can use our API to develop own features like the handling of keywords and descriptions.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] Multilingual Press tab is missing from Site>EditHi doggiedaddy1,
please check if there is any other theme or plugin that will break the javascript at the setting pages. Use a core theme and deactived all plugins to check that.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] adding languages not in listHi dwerg85,
please check the filter “mlp_language_codes” at inc/class-Mlp_Default_Module.php for adding custom languages to the select box.
please update to the current version of the plugin and use the new parameters for mlp_show_linked_elements described at:
Roberthi stal1n,
please update to the current version of our plugin and activate the “show current blog” feature at the widget. Your issue could be solved with that update.
If it is not solved just get back to us.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] 2 plugins Issues to solveHi cracksc,
we have released an update taht will fix both issues. please look at our github documenation to learn how to display the current language.
we have released an update which will fix that issue. Please update to the current version.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] Add Language links outside widget area?Hi xroox,
please check the documentation for the function “mlp_show_linked_elements” at:
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] No Greek language optionHelly Please Help,
we have released an update with the fix of the greek language. Thank you for helping us with this issue.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] No translation column in post overviewHi netblognet,
thank you for using our plugin. We will check that feature, but we need to watch the performance when we display that column. Just imagine you have 4 languages and 100 posts per page, so we would need to do additional 100 SQL queries. The WordPress backend could slow down and your users wouldn’t like that. We have an feature in the pro version of this plugin which shows you the untranslated posts/pages as a dashbaord plugin.
I will get back to you when we have any further plans with that.
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] Not working with WP 3.5we have released a new version of the plugin. But we didn’t do any special 3.5 version updates. please get back to us if you notice any issues with the current version of the plugin
RobertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] Automatic translation option?Hi Tomystein,
we dont think that an automatic translation will fit the native speaker of the language you want to use. Thats why we dont have currently developed such a feature. But we will add translation services into a further version of the Pro plugin.
RobertHi stefacht,
you should add an theme to the blog 1 which will redirect all requests to the german blog.
RobertThank you for submitting this issue. It seems that the widget loads the last post in the loop. We will provide an update for this issue this week.
RobertHere is the solution for the problem. You need to change the following Function in the file DavesWordPressLiveSearch.php
Current Version 2.8 Code
public static function advanced_search_init() { if (self::isSearchablePage()) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('daves-wordpress-live-search', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__).'js/daves-wordpress-live-search.js', 'jquery'); self::inlineSettings(); } load_plugin_textdomain('dwls', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ )) . '/languages/'); }
Change into this Function:
public static function advanced_search_init() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'dwls', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); if ( self::isSearchablePage() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'daves-wordpress-live-search', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/daves-wordpress-live-search.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); self::inlineSettings(); } }
Hints to the solution:
- The function “load_plugin_textdomain” need to be loaded before self::inlineSettings
- The request of jQuery can be made in “wp_enqueue_script” with the parameter “jQuery” as an array in dependencies, currently jQuery is loaded before because the parameter is a string and should be an array