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  • nubeli


    I also found the issue with switching themes under Presentation (in Admin). It asks for me to allow referers when my firewall is on.



    Actually, I’ve found the issue. It’s not the code, it’s this damn Norton firewall at work! I’ve had this before, and I think a lot of other people with firewalls such as Norton will have this too.

    It has to do with the request by the script for the HTTP_REFERER being blocked by the firewall. Since the options.php script can’t find HTTP_REFERER when it reloads, it just attaches the arguments to the end of the base url and doesn’t have the refering script such as options-general.php, options-writing.php, options-reading.php, options-discussion.php, and options-misc.php

    Refering back to the original script happens around: lines 84-87 of wp-admin/options.php. Is there a workaround? I know there is some way to change the settings in some firewall programs to explicitly allow some URLs to make such requests, but this seems like a lot of work and possibly confusing for newbies.



    I got the same problem. When I manually edit the url bar to:
    then it saves the options.

    I’m still trying to locate the exact bug.

    Lonney, it is probably a lot easier if you just use Categories to create your menu links. Since you can create hierarchical categories you could have England>London, Bath, …. and it would all appear in the menu.
    It’s possible to create menu links using the custom fields, but not simple. Although you could fiddle around with the get_custom plugin. I haven’t tried it.

    I’m not sure how you can get it to default to the last location. But it is pretty easy to create a key called “Location” and then to add a key/value to each post. For example, a new post allows you to choose a set key (like “Location”) and then put a value (“Istanbul”). Or you can add a new key like “Fruit” and value “Apple”.
    Then to get it to appear in the post, the most basic way is to use the_meta tag:
    ?php the_meta(); ?>
    within The Loop.
    The Loop is everything in your index.php (or other template file) between:
    <?php if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?>
    <?php } } else { ?>

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: comments problem

    I realized my comments problem originated with the webhost. Thanks for the help.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: comments problem

    Sure, allusion. (I just registered as nubeli).

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