2 – How to create an FEU view
– Next, we need to instruct the plugin to use the new “view” template. Add the following code to the functions.php file of your current theme:
add_filter(‘feu_settings’, ‘set_custom_feu_views_directory’);
function set_custom_feu_views_directory($settings) {
//$settings[‘views_directory’] = get_theme_root().’/’.get_template().’/views/’;
$settings[‘views_directory’] = ‘/home/public_html/your-website/wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/views/’;
return $settings;
– For some reason, the third line of the above code didn’t work for me so I commented it out (the two forward slashes) and replaced it with the fourth line.
thank you for the great plugin.
TEMPLATEPATH just works fine.
$settings[‘views_directory’] = TEMPLATEPATH.’/views/’;