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  • ntrantham


    I am having the exact same issue.

    What’s worse, is if the user highlights the event on the calendar they will see the “No Title” for the title, but still see description. They then can also click the link for the event, but are taken to a 404 page.

    This plugin has not been updated in over a year, is the developer still around?

    The calendar, and a few other event apps use this taxonomie for their event categories: events_categories

    Thread Starter ntrantham


    Ok… I found one error. My if count words statement was messed up. I corrected it, and it will now correctly only add the More Tag to posts it has to create a fake excerpt for. The problem is I still have to do this:

    $data['post_content'] = wpautop(wptexturize(bib_process_excerpt($post) ));

    and in the template use %post_content%

    I have not figured out how to get it to process the more tag properly on post_excerpt.

    I am now looking at trying to pass the post thumbnail back instead of the author avatar…

    It still doesn’t work. If there is no explicit excerpt created your plugin returns nothing if the template uses %post_excerpt%

    I have added some code to your process excerpt function to auto-generate a fake excerpt if one is not all ready present. The problem I am having is that it will not process the more tag correctly after doing this. The process more tag function will strip the more tag from the text, but it will not add the link to the article. Not sure what is happening…

    Thread Starter ntrantham


    Ok… found part of the problem… this plugin will not ‘fake’ an excerpt if one does not all ready exist… So, I added to code to fake the excerpt if one does not exist:

    function bib_excerpt($text) {
    	$text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text);
    	$text = strip_tags($text);
    	$words = explode(' ', $text, 101);
    	if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) {
    		array_push($words, '<!--more-->');
    		$text = implode(' ', $words);
    	return apply_filters('the_excerpt', $text);
    function bib_process_excerpt($post) {
    	$output = ($post->post_excerpt == '') ? (bib_excerpt($post->post_content))
    			: (apply_filters('the_excerpt', $post->post_excerpt));
        if ( post_password_required($post) ) {
            $output = __('There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.');
            return $output;
        #return apply_filters('get_the_excerpt', $output);
        return $output;

    Now my problem is this… I can not get the plugin to process the more tag properly. In the fake excerpt I did insert the more tag at the end. The tag is stripped and not displayed to the reader, but no “continue reading…” or “more >>” is displayed, no link. If I change this code:

    $data[‘post_content’] = wpautop(wptexturize($post->post_content));
    $data[‘post_excerpt’] = wpautop(wptexturize(bib_process_excerpt($post) ));

    to this:

    $data[‘post_content’] = wpautop(wptexturize($post->post_content));
    $data[‘post_content’] = wpautop(wptexturize(bib_process_excerpt($post) ));

    it works, but will then also attach the new more link text to ALL posts, even those that were not really truncated….

    I am guessing the fix is to add the following settings:
    “Force Excerpt if none.”
    “Force Excerpt to X words”

    Then, if the value is set the following code is performed:

    $data[‘post_content’] = wpautop(wptexturize(bib_process_excerpt($post) ));

    And This function would need to count the words, if fewer then the cut-off do not add the more tag…

    Thread Starter ntrantham


    OK… I missed the part about permalinks being turned on.

    I went back and enabled permalinks. Then got a message on the WP Super Cache page about adding two lines to the .htaccess file:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*[^/]$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*//.*$

    So, I updated it.

    I am now seeing this in the debug txt file:

    And that fixed the issue…

    All I did was add this:

    <script type= "text/javascript">
    var RecaptchaOptions = {
    theme: 'clean'

    to the top of the form, above the first field. It works there.

    OK… update…

    It seems that after I blanked out that field the Contact Form 7 started working.

    I entered a different email address in that field, and Contact Form 7 kept working.

    I put my correct email address back in under General Settings and the Contact Form kept working.

    I had sent about a half dozen contact forms with it broken, and now about a half dozen with it working. It seems that by updating this field and re-saving the General Settings Form fixed the issue.

    Not sure how to replicate the issue without re-installing WP and trying again. But I know that I made no other changes.

    I found the problem.

    It is not with any other plugins, but with WP’s core.

    I am not much of a coder, but I just started my WP site, and only have a few plugins active. None of them other than Contact Form 7 use email.

    Any emails that I sent using the Contact Form came across with the SMTP From address of mine, and the SMTP Reply address as the one filled out in the form.

    I found this setting:

    Settings > General

    There is a setting for Email Address that states:
    “This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification.”

    I blanked it out and the emails from the Contact Form 7 started coming across correctly, the SMTP From and SMTP To address’ were the same.

    Previously my SPAM filter had been blocking the emails as it looked like someone was spoofing my email address, but after the change they are now coming through just fine.

    Now, if someone could figure out why this email setting is overriding the outbound email from the Contact Form plugin, and fix it…

    Here is the code for my form:

    <div align="center">
    <p style="text-align: center">Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p style="text-align: center">Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p style="text-align: center">Subject<br />
        [text your-subject] </p>
    <p style="text-align: center">Your Message<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p style="text-align: center">[recaptcha your-recaptcha]</p>
    <p style="text-align: center">[submit "Send"]</p>

    I got this to work.

    add <div align="center"> </div> around the whole thing…

    and change:
    <p> </p>

    <p style="text-align: center"> </p>

    Works as seen on my site here:

    It even centered the wp-recaptcha plugin.

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