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  • Thanks for your help, but with the actualization the error is still appearing. To solve it I’ve modified mwi.php and changed all $this for self::, then the error don’t appear.
    But I still have one problem, there is anywhere with an example of how to configure the multistores, in the admin you are asking for path and code, what do we have to put in each place?
    Another thing is that if we define that the default store is es, but we are in side magento navigating using en, when I enter to a wordpress page I see printed magento modules (for example header) as if I where in es, it seems that somewhere is changing magento locale value.
    Could you give me a hand.


    I have the same problem, could you give us an example of how we have to configure the multistore views. In the admin, to configure the different store views you are asking for two things for each one:
    Store View URL (full path)
    Store View Code.
    Can we set the same value in all store view url? for example, if I have 2 stores one french with code fr and one in english with code en would it be ok to set
    French: store view url:
    view code: fr
    English: store view url:
    view code: en
    If this configuration is correct how do I define the language in wordpress, do I need to use one module so I can define the language through the url or I need to use another thing.

    Please, could you help me

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