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Server Settings
Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
Server : Apache
Memory usage : 118.36 MByte
MYSQL Version : 5.6.41
PHP Version : 5.6.28
PHP Safe Mode : Off
PHP Allow URL fopen : On
PHP Memory Limit : 256
PHP Max Upload Size : 64M
PHP Max Post Size : 64M
PCRE Backtracking Limit : 1000000
PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
PHP Exif support : Yes (V1.4 )
PHP IPTC support : Yes
PHP XML support : Yes
Graphic LibraryGD Version : bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
FreeType Support : Yes
FreeType Linkage : with freetype
T1Lib Support : No
GIF Read Support : Yes
GIF Create Support : Yes
JPEG Support : Yes
PNG Support : Yes
WBMP Support : Yes
XPM Support : Yes
XBM Support : Yes
WebP Support : No
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : NoCurrently, the website is live, I can`t do that. iS this error familiar before ? or it is new ?. Any suggestion what might be the cause? all other shortcodes are working well in the content editor. Nextgen has been working well also, but suddently stop working and it’s converting the shortcode to the above html I pasted. I just want to know if you have any suggestion to make on how to fix or possible problems
I am not using a theme, it’s a custom scratch theme I build from front end, it only has the code I need. Shortcode is working well if I echo it in the template, but once it`s put in the content editor, it’s converted to the above html. For some reason, its working well on all my site, except one website after they did their update