Forum Replies Created

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  • That page used to be for affiliate links; the owner of would get a kickback for everyone referred from there. It looks as though they’ve changed it now, so that it only recommends those hosts that they KNOW work well with WP, and not everywhere they happen to have affiliate accounts.

    It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with BlueHost or any of the other sites that have been dropped, just as its previous inclusion didn’t necessarily mean it was a good choice. When looking for a host, you are always best off doing your own research. I will say though, that of the three now listed, Dreamhost is probably the best entry-level host (it’s cheap and will install and update WP for you automatically).

    The fact that this thread has been posted in Support rather than Ideas serves to illustrate that the Ideas forum has reached the end of its natural life. It might have worked if it had been actively read and maintained, but basically it’s the same problem as with Codex: a couple of releases down the line much of the initial content is no longer relevant, but it hangs around regardless. There wasn’t any official feedback or reponse to most of the ideas so I have to doubt whether anyone important bothered reading them. I don’t think many people seriously believed the Ideas forum had any influence over the direction of the software, but Automattic could probably have done a better job of pretending it did.

    Trying to tempt people back into the IRC channel is a dead end; like trac, it’s really offputting for non-geeks, and if people used to frequent it but stopped, there are obviously good reasons (I’d guess a lack of moderators, again). You’d be better off with Twitter, at least it’s trendy. Or another P2 install on, which would be easier to keep under control.

    Your big problem here is that even though you’re trying to present this as opening up the development process and making it easier for people to suggest things, any attempt to consolidate your communication channels is going to look like you’re doing the opposite and closing things down. The existing lists and forums may serve no useful purpose, but scrapping them is worse from a public relations point of view than having them and ignoring them.

    Minima Plus was adapted from Douglas Bowman’s Blogger template, Minima. So it’s him you need to be asking. Or, more likely, Google, who hired him to produce it. Good luck with that.

    There’s never been any consensus on whether WP themes ported from non-GPL templates inherit their licence from the original template or the WP functions added to it. Common sense suggests the former (it would be fairly outrageous if you could relicense someone else’s creative work simply by adding a few GPL’d functions to it) but common sense and licensing issues don’t always go together.

    Also, while it might be legally defensible to argue that all WP themes are GPL regardless of authorial intent (I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer) I don’t think it’s ethically defensible to disregard the wishes of the creator.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: DOWN

    Just because you can access it now doesn’t mean everyone else on the internet can, or that they could two hours ago when this thread started.

    (For the record, I always used to feel guilty about redirecting .org users here when they posted on the .com forums, because I was aware of the kind of reception people who don’t even know what host they’re using were likely to get. I know that others are still doing it, though.)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: DOWN

    I would guess the guy is posting here because the forums are DOWN. (Last I heard, they were undergoing another DoS attack.)

    Just a hunch.

    It continues to baffle me why people are so content to accept the wordpress sites as being Matt’s personal fiefdom rather than resources for the entire community. It seems to me to jar horribly with the open source rhetoric they use the rest of the time. But then I suppose it’s a fact, and useless to kick against.

    The ‘community’ is not lacking for places to locate themes, nor for places to display them.

    So why bother with at all? Once Matt’s reduced it to a collection of 500 Kubrick clones with unimpeachable licensing, it’s going to become an irrelevance anyway. His time would surely be more usefully spent implementing some of the stuff from the ideas forum for 2.3 and improving than pursuing these holy wars against themers.

    Thread Starter notthatugly


    Thank you! If only somebody had bothered to document this in the Codex back when i18n support was first introduced, it would have saved me a lot of time and confusion.

    Thread Starter notthatugly


    Is 22 hours an acceptable time to leave before bumping? Regardless. Bump.

    I haven’t seen anything equivalent to Expressive among wp themes, probably because those kind of illustrative headers require actual graphic design skills and graphic artists tend not to be in a position to give away their work for nothing. Six Apart have an in-house design team to do this stuff for them. WP just has geeks with spare time ??

    You’ve contacted the theme designer, I assume?

    Custom fields on their own aren’t really designed for anything more advanced than posting your current mood and what you’re listening to. Have you looked at what tagging and image handling plugins are already out there? Custom fields without plugins are like a sandwich without bread; kind of messy and don’t make a lot of sense.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Internet Explorer

    Looks OK to me on IE7 except for the error message from your anti-IE plugin.

    There is nothing in the GPL to stop you selling your own version of somebody else’s GPL theme, as long as you credit the original creator somewhere in the code.

    e.t.a. and I’m not even sure that last requirement is set in stone.

    If technically possible, it might be a good idea to let users add tags to themes, the way we tag threads here, as well as getting theme authors to tag their themes when they submit them. Wisdom of crowds and that.

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