Thanks for the response. Maybe I’m not getting this, but I don’t think it is just the css imports that are causing this. I did an experiment looking at just one item in the site – the blog title. I loaded an instance of the blog using the Caribou theme, and then an instance of the blog using a child based on the Caribou theme. Then I inspected the properties in each for the blog title.
Caribou had the following ID hiearchy assigned:
<div id=”header”> <div id=”logo”> <h1>
Child of Caribou had the following ID hiearchy assigned:
<div id=”header”> <div id=”branding”> <div id=”blog-title”>
So somehow the IDs are not being assigned properly to the div’s when using the child theme (in which case the css would just simply not be able to apply rules.)
In reading the instructions it sounded like all I needed to do was put in custom css rules in the child folder but that all other things (eg script, php, etc) would automatically come out of the parent folder (caribou).
What am I doing wrong?