11 years, 7 months ago
Installing is the answer.
Thanks ponderconsulting. So easy once you know. I wasted half of my Sunday trying to edit the 1.3 to 1.1!
Hi Michael,
I have found this towards the bottom of the page. “m=parseFloat(a.fn.jquery);if(1.3>m)”
Is this where I change the “1.3” to “1.1”
And how do I do that when the page doesn’t accept edits. I am using the browser Mozilla Firefox.
Thanks Michael,
With your help I have now found “cgmp.framework.min.js.” using your path “wp-content/plugins/comprehensive-google-map-plugin/assets/js”
But I have searched that file and cannot find “var version = parseFloat($.fn.jquery); if (version < 1.3) { ”
Sorry, but I am new at this. But where do I find the file “assets/js/cgmp.framework.min.js” ?