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  • In my case that error message was caused by an invalid URL that was entered into the RSS feed. I pasted the URL manually into the browser and got a Google 404 error. Try and manually hit the calendar URL to see if you can access it.

    Also make sure of the following (if importing Google calendar):

    1. The Calendar is public.
    2. You’ve set it to display full details.

    #1 could cause access issue.
    #2 will create the 0 events import issue because Google by default will only export the “busy” times and not the event itself.

    Nevermind, found the work around here:

    It’s a bit of a kludge since it ties knowledge of the two plugins together. I would have preferred, and will look into, an approach that properly modifies the list of widgets on a given page (WP Page Widget modifications?) so that other plugins can see the custom list instead of the global list that other plugins currently see.

    Still having the issue where CSS is not being saved. Also using the WP Page Widgets plugin. I need these two to work together… can’t we all just plugin along?! ??

    Any updates?

    The issue is easily fixed. The error actually tells you how to match your function to the underlying WordPress one.

    Your class definition line which is:

    class description_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args)

    Should be modified to include the new $id field (and assign defaults to your other method parameters:

    class description_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args, $id = 0)

    You also need to update the apply filter line to include the new $id field:

    apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args, $id);

    Make sure to check your php.ini (whether IIS for windows or Apache on any OS). Check for the following parameter to be present:


    If it’s not there create one. If it’s there make sure the path exists and that the account your web site is using has permission to that folder.

    On two occasions this has caught me. The second time was today when I realized I accidentally removed my php.ini file when I switched to WordPress a week ago.

    Sounds like some of you may have accidentally removed the file when you upgraded to 2.5.x from a previous version.

    I’m having the same problem with adding custom capabilities. I type in a name, hit submit and nothing happens. It goes back to the capabilities page without creating one.

    Here are the WP settings:

    WordPress-Version : 2.5.1
    WordPress-Db-Version : 7796
    Role-Manager-Version : 02.02.02 (131586)
    PHP-Version : 5.2.5

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