It’s a kludgy hack, but this worked for me:
In wp-mail.php:
// Captures any text in the body after $phone_delim as the body
$content = explode($phone_delim, $content);
$content[1] ? $content = $content[1] : $content = $content[0];
$content = trim($content);
if ( strpos(" " . $content,"#END#") > 0 ) {
$content = substr($content,0,strpos($content,"#END#"));
$post_content = apply_filters('phone_content', $content);
$post_title = xmlrpc_getposttitle($content);
Then when you email a post, just include “#END#” (without the quotes) at the end of the post content. Everything after #END# will be removed.
You could use “—–“, “Free stuff for your email! Click here” or anything else, if you want. Just make sure whatever you use will not appear in a desired location in your emailed post.
Obviously, this assumes that you have the ability to modify the sent email, or at least can find a consistent sig in it.
BTW, I realize the if… logic could be simplified to a single line, but I was trying for clarity, not code brevity.