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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sticky Menu & Sticky Header] It doesn’t stickIt helped … ??
Thanks so much.
Just to let you know, that the webkit-transform property seems to be inherent of the visual composer plugin, which is now often part of premium themes.
So others might run into the same problem. Maybe worth a hint in your already well elaborated plugin description.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Google Maps by IMBAA] index.php goneAt codecanyon is a plugin with the same name. I use this plugin and it has the index.php.
So I got an update notice for your plugin, which I don’t use.
Actually bad from WP that it just checks names and not an id-nr.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Out Tab] works differently in firefoxLooks like the handling of the images is inconsistent.
When there is only text in the tab content, then it works fine throughout all browsers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Out Tab] works differently in firefoxpity, but thanks for checking.
Will try to find another way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Out Tab] works differently in firefoxupdated now to 1.0.4. and the original style.css is now on.
Still same issue: In Firefox it is still too low.
Also try this: When the slider is on up very high (the line man high above the line), then clear cache and the slider doesn’t move up so high.
Haven’t checked it on IE, cause i am on Mac.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slide Out Tab] works differently in firefoxThanks for checking.
Look for the small ‘+’ ( bottom center below the line)Another strange thing:
Sometimes (not always)the tab content is pushed up way too high. After clearing cache it is in the right position. (Safari & Chrome)I am not an expert and don’t need to dig into codes. But I do confirm, what another user mentioned already before me:
That shortly after installing the this plugin I got the message from Google, that an IP address in China tried to access. So this message is DEFINITELY related to this plugin, because I NEVER EVER got such a message from Google before.
But who knows, maybe this guy in Guangdong, China is a nice one and just wants to have some fun by sniffing around in other people’s accounts.Anyway, I am grateful for Google’s safety measurements by denying access to the sudden unusual attempt from China.
And the question, why you defend this plugin so much ?
Jan, 15min after I installed this plugin, I got this message from Google with the details about the IP
Der Anmeldeversuch wurde aufgrund der M?glichkeit unterbunden, dass es sich um einen Hacker handelt, der versucht, auf Ihr Konto zuzugreifen. Bitte lesen Sie die Details zu diesem Anmeldeversuch:
Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013 13:15 Uhr UTC
IP-Adresse: 2607:f298:4:148::511:c779 (
Standort: Guangdong, ChinaSo the IP address of my domain ‘’, which is definitely NOT in China, is overridden by the IP-Adress in China.
And isn’t it strange, that other users experienced exactly the same ?
Yes … it’s very serious. I was notified by Google via email, that someone from Guangdong, China tried to access my mailbox and that access was denie, together with the question, whether it was really me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tippy] after update to 5.0I don’t know how and why, but now everything works fine. I guess it had to do with new (and great) draggable functionality.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tippy] after update to 5.0Hi Chris,
your maintenance of the plugin is 5* … amazing.
1. the ‘close’ issue is solved
2. The absolute positioning not (yet).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flip Pong V] doesn't work at all …@ Markus:
here is an extract of flip-ping_V.php
* Author URI:
* Version: 1.3.1
**/class flippong{
function check_version(){
if (!is_admin()){
$fileok = plugins_url().’/flip-pong-v/single-flip_pong.txt’;
$filecheck = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();I just wondered why it is _uri and not _url …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flip Pong V] doesn't work at all …ok … just updated the theme and now it works partly with the theme
Problem is now only, that the loading circle is there permanently and flipping the last page is still not working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flip Pong V] doesn't work at all …another test : tried it on another domain with the original wp-theme twenty twelve
it works fine … also when all other plugins of the two other websites are activated.
So it is not a plugin conflict.The plugin works fine with one exemption:
try to turn back the last page … the turn.js doesn’t work and drags the picture!tried then my theme ‘Immense’ – a fullscreen photo theme – and then the flipbook doesn’t work anymore, but is displayed like one of its galleries with their single-galleries.php.
So the issue is theme-related .. also the mother theme does’t work with it and displays just the pics. Will contact the theme developer.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flip Pong V] doesn't work at all …Hi tambour,
thanks for your response.1. 3 pictures are assigned to the flip book.
2. activated flip pong on another website without anything doing manually – the result is that the flipbook is not found and just the last post with featured image taken.
Checked the theme folder and the single-flip_pong.php was NOT copied there automatically.3. Flip-pong-V.php has only 183 lines. which part should i delete then ?
4. On the other website removed instead in flip-pong-V.php the whole //*********** File Copy ****************// part & copied again single-flip.pong.php manually. result looks now like here.
Just out of curiosity: Is this line right in the copy part : $target = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ? uri ? not url?
fyi … I am using the theme ‘Immense’ from Graphpaperpress and it is a child theme. Immense creates an own taxonomy for its galleries, but one can also use the gallery shortcode in a post directly.
Hope all these informations help to find the conflict.
btw … I am the one, who forwarded your plugin to Emmanuel, the guy behind turnjs. Hopefully soon flip-pong can integrate the 5th version of turnjs soon ??
A bient?t