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  • Thread Starter noorakhtar


    THANK YOU SO MUCH, MICHAEL. Thank You So Much. Great support you have provided!! The problem is solved!!!

    Thread Starter noorakhtar


    Thank you Michael. I understood that. But things I can’t do is that I want to display the checked values in wp_list_table. When I am writing this code to retrieve the value

    $tprofile_users = get_users( array( 'role__in' => array( 'subscriber' ) ) );
    foreach( $tprofile_users as $tprofile_user ){
    	global $current_user;
    	$user_id = $current_user->ID;
    	$tprofile_user_cmeta = get_the_author_meta( $user_id );
    	$data[] = [
    		'fighting_style' => esc_html( $tprofile_user->$tprofile_user_cmeta['_user-fighting-style'][0] ),

    Result is showing in this way:a:5:{i:0;s:3:”MMA”;i:1;s:9:”Kikboxing”;i:2;s:6:”Boxing”;i:3;s:4:”Judo”;i:4;s:9:”Taekwondo”;}
    Could you please show me how can I display the result in this way : MMA, Kikboxing, Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo
    I couldn’t find any solution anywhere. Thank you for taking care my issue.

    Thread Starter noorakhtar


    add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', 'tprofile_user_fighting_meta');
            function tprofile_user_fighting_meta(){
        $tprofile_user_fight_info = new_cmb2_box(
                'id'            => 'fighting-info',
                'object_types'  => array( 'user' ),
                'title'         => __( 'Fighting Profile', 'tprofile' )
                'id'            => '_user-fighting-style',
                'name'          => __( 'Your fighting styles', 'tprofile' ),
                'type'          => 'multicheck',
                'options'       => array(
                    'MMA'               => __('MMA', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Kikboxing'         => __( 'Kikboxing', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Boxing'            => __( 'Boxing', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Judo'              => __( 'Judo', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Taekwondo'         => __( 'Taekwondo', 'tprofile'),
                    'Karate'            => __( 'Karate', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Brazilian'         => __( 'Brazilian Jiu-jitsu', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Wrestling'         => __( 'Wrestling', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Capoeira'          => __( 'Capoeira', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Muay Thai'         => __( 'Muay Thai', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Karate Kyokushinkai'=> __('Karate Kyokushinkai', 'tprofile' ),
                    'Kudo Daido Juku'   => __('Kudo Daido Juku', 'tprofile' ),

    Values are saving in database in this way: a:3:{i:0;s:3:”MMA”;i:1;s:4:”Judo”;i:2;s:6:”Karate”

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