Hey there, thanks for your reply. Seems that by email we didnt’ received your communications, thats the reason why I tried this way.
I’ve mounted a preproduction environment to achieve extensions deactivations and see what changes, but actually nothing has changed.
What I can see is that through the backend It’s like I cannot translate some <a> tags. As you can see on the following capture : https://ibb.co/5KwSJBZ in orange it shows the French URL version without any possibilites to change this URL to EN version manually (the URL is on the entire blue dashed block).
This bloc is made through the oxygen builder slider. I’ve first took a look on the term slug through the String translation tab to see if the slug was translated properly and it does as you can see there : https://ibb.co/2Z8nxXd
Is there any chance to make those contents appears translated ?
Thanks for you help,