Thanks Otto,
It’s showing with no problem, the only issue I have is that I don’t use the description of custom post type, so when it goes on to FB, there’s an image but the text-excerpt of is ‘…’. It’s no problem when I do it manually, because then I can tell FB exactly what I want next to the image (via the header), i.e.:
if (is_singular('adoptions')) {
echo '<meta name="description" content="';
echo 'New Pet for Adoption! ' . $name . ' is a ' . $age . ' year old ' . $gender . ' ' . $breed . ' who needs a home!';
echo '" />';}
Just not sure how I can make that work with the automatic publish feature, if at all? It might be best to create a custom RSS and then maybe you use a different tool to automatically publish.
What do you think?
Thanks again,