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did you ever get an answer about this decorajen. I get the same error when I delete products from woocommerce.
Have managed to edit emails directly on the server rather than through WordPress editor.
So it is just not adding the fields to the booking email generated by the request confirmation booking gateway. It adds to all other emails
What hooks do I need to add to the booking email and functions.php to ensure all the fields are showing in orders and emails.
markOK forget about the update nonsense. I have narrowed this down to the woocommerce booking confirmation email.
So baisically what is happening is this.
I have custom fields on checkout.
user enters information
user gets email with all the correct detailsadmin gets basic new booking email with none of the custom checkout data in.
do I need to modify the emails myself. I have tried to add extra info to the emails but I am getting a warning cannot modify as output headers already sent.
some help on this would be much appreciated.
mark/* Fix for cut off header submenu in vendor dash */,
.navbar-wrapper.clearfix {
overflow: visible;
}Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesOh man! this is driving me mental!
so far these are the checks i’ve done and the only thing im certain of is the css patch is still required. So as I remove that the upload function is lost.
However, this http error is still happening but it is nothing to do with your theme, it is happening in storefront also.
Even though this is not theme related I will relay what I have done and what I have running.
wp v 4.5.1. latest stable version
4 plugins required to produce error
woocommerce – obviously
ithemes security
wcvendors-pro both wcvendors are required for the front end uploads.I themes security is configured to force ssl on admin pages and per content on certain input pages.
i previously thought that turning i themes plugin off allowed me to upload files so thought it was related to this. However now it seems that even with it off i am getting the http error.Conversley, in Internet explorer of all browsers, it is now letting my upload files with ithemes security enabled and thus allowing the ssl.
it is not allowing me to do it in firefox or opera.
I have to cut this off because I am becoming so confused…apologies
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesHold on!
I’ve just been doing some stuff on the site in the last hour and now I’m not certain all is fixed. need to do some more testing.
Best to just ignore EVERYTHING I say.
I have so many plugins and so much stuff going on that im tripping over myself when im checking.
I swear all was working yesterday, so I need to go methodically through all the plugins I activated. but im tired and my rsi is playing up like crazy!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesOk so I didn’t bail on the them and the latest WordPress update resolved the issue. Apologies for dragging you through my problems.
Just one more issue to resolve and then i’m live! woohoo!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesThanks for this but this has beaten me, and today I have made a decision.
After a year of tinkering and absolutely loving your theme, it is with a heavy heart I’m going to buy a new one. Just been looking today at more compatible wc-vendor ones ?? it’s not what I want to do but I have to move my business, the website and my life forward. I know this is a WordPress and other issues but there were other things that just didn’t sit well and no one seems to have an answer,my head has gone and like I said this is a business decision to move forward and nothing else.I can’t expect premium support on a free theme but I can’t buy the premium either without knowing everything will work.
The support on this site, the forums, and the theme are fantastic.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesThis is going to come across as a confused mess!! But I was too quick to say everything was resolved. In fact it’s all the same. The CSS addition only fixed it in two browsers, firefox, and chrome, so I assumed it was fixed! Just been on IE and opera and still no upload feature.
I also downloaded the latest rc of wordpress.The additional problem with the two fixed browsers is that I get a http error when uploading images from the user front end form. If I do it from the back end no problem.
This error can be replicated and switched on and off via a plugin called ithemes security. The plugin adds ssl to the pages you want. Therefore, I add ssl to the frontend woocommerce product add form and checkout pages, remember the front end product form is provided by the plugin wc-vendors pro.
If I switch the plugin off – no http error and can upload in the two browsers with the css patch added.
If I switch theme to store front. No css patch required and all images load with the https protocol.
I know a lot of this is more plugin specific so not expecting anything, but if any one has a clue let me know
markForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesAfter having problems logging on to things myself I cleared all browser caches and rebooted my machine, deactivated all my plugins except the ones needed to test and now I can upload images without the error.
I apologise for wasting anyone’s time. I don’t know what it was but its working so I will continue.
still cant see drop down menu on one page on my site.
kind regards
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesFirst of all, let me apologise for my quick and poor explanation previously.
I think this is all related to the WordPress update so forgive me if It came across as blaming your theme, I am not.
I’ve been working for nearly a year to get my site ready, I’m not a coder, I’m just someone with a desire and a lot of patience to try and get things working.
It just scared me that so close to having a usable site, an update could “essentially break” something as important as the media upload functionality, as well as other things which I didn’t mention. I am using a form builder called ezform calculator and that functianality went too. I only realised yesterday. And remember, I am using “essentially break” because I don’t really know what is happening behind the scenes. I am trying but I don’t get it…yet!
This was theme specific before but your right it is not now the and the css has fixed it. So the http error happens with other themes.
To be honest your last statement is what I was looking for, just a bit of reassurance from someone who knows what is happening. I have no doubt that this will all disappear on the next wp update. It is a massive lesson for me to learn also, even though my site is not live I must have a development site to test everything first. As I just do everything live on the production site.
On a separate but not totally unrelated note. There are two theme specific difficulties that I’ve always had, One related to the plugin wc-vendors-pro and how the dropdown menu is hidden by one of the pages the plugin creates.
That one you can just see with out admin access, if you go to the seller dashboard in the seller corner and then try to access the drop down menu from the seller dashboard page you’ll see It just hides behind the page. The other is a cart plugin that should show a tab in the footer the user can click to open, but it compleley hides it. The second one is inconsiquential and can live with out. The hidden menu is sooooo frustrating! and restricts user effective user interaction. would really really like to know what is happening with that one.
Anyway thanks for all your time, its a great theme and which is why my site is using it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesOk the css allows for file upload
however I am getting a http error now.
I previously had that error before and it was something to do with my ssl and when I configured it right, It went away. I have just disabled it but this error is still happening.
I have to go out and have not been able to do any other checks yet.
I really appreciate your help, I am slightly concerned about having to add css in to get stuff to work & it doesnt make full sense to me yet.
If you would like logon access email me at [email protected] and I will get you added on.
kind regards
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesapologies I had to fly out to work earlier and was up ladders all day so haven’t had a chance to reply.
How do I post a private log details on here?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagestechnically when I think about it, it may be better if you just went to the site and just registered as a user and tried to upload. it’s probably better if you did that as the admin uses the site differently.
if you go to and register as a seller, it will automatically approve you. if you then try to add a product and upload an image it won’t let you.
let me just switch a few things back and try if you dont mind
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Can't upload imagesim just trying to debug now to see if its anything obvious i’ve missed. more than happy to give you a logon if you’ve got the time to have a look?