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  • Thread Starter nobita


    Twenty thirteen theme, plugins are dead except for Gutenberg.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter nobita


    Dashboard (wp-admin/index.php) left Sidebar menu In the Gutenberg submenu, there is an item Demo

    Thanks for providing the solution for wp-scss 3.0

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-SCSS] 3.0 PHP Errors


    I am getting the same error.

    Theme Author nobita


    I’ve checked your site again and it’s showing the same error as last time.
    Even if the code is commented out, there seems to be an error that continues to be displayed.

    Please let me know what error you keep getting

    This error is occurring in the part that parses the google font settings. So commenting it out will change the font.

    This can be reverted by writing additional CSS.
    Please let me know the input contents of the following items.

    • Customize / Site Identity / CSS Class of Site Title
    • Customize / Presentation / Post / Entry Title CSS Class
    • Appearance / Menus / CSS Classes (optional) on Primary Menu

    Note: Setting WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY worked as expected in my environment.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by nobita.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by nobita.
    Theme Author nobita


    In the previous answer, I wrote a general explanation for not displaying website errors on the web page

    Then comment out the part where the error occurs

    Comment out like below

    //add_filter( 'raindrops_site_title_class', 'raindrops_custom_site_title_class' );
    		//add_filter( 'raindrops_embed_meta_css', 'raindrops_custom_site_title_style' );
    		//add_filter( 'raindrops_embed_meta_pre', 'raindrops_apply_google_font_import_rule_for_site_title' );
    		//add_filter( 'raindrops_embed_meta_pre', 'raindrops_apply_google_font_import_rule_for_primary_menu' );
    		//add_filter( 'raindrops_embed_meta_css', 'raindrops_apply_google_font_styles_for_site_title' );
    		//add_filter( 'raindrops_embed_meta_css', 'raindrops_apply_google_font_styles_for_primary_menu' );

    You are probably updating to PHP8.
    This version was not popular when this theme was last updated.

    Thenk you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by nobita.
    Theme Author nobita


    Hi @terjemid

    There appear a long, ugly error message on my web-pages

    Wordpress / wp-config.php add below line.


    The error will no longer be displayed on the website

    Thank you.

    Theme Author nobita


    should I send you a link?

    Please sent me.

    Thank you.

    Theme Author nobita


    Hi @soile2020

    No updates for longest time and now my webhost upgraded the PHP to 8.0 so everything went white. Now it′s temporary back to 7.4 where it worked. In November I′m forced to go 8.0.

    I’ve just started looking into what kind of error Raindrops raises in PHP Version 8.0.12.

    WordPress 6.o.2

    install plugins

    • On This Day (by Room 34)
    • AddToAny Share Buttons
    • ARI Fancy Lightbox – WordPress Popup
    • Feed Them Social – for Twitter feed, Youtube and more

    One multisite simply updated to PHP8,
    One single site with activated plugins that you use on your site.

    So far I haven’t found any errors that cause “everything went white”.

    Is it possible to use WP_DEBUG to tell me what kind of error you get?

    If I know what caused the error, I maybe able to fix it.

    I’m certainly not actively updating Raindrops, but I’m not giving up on maintenance.
    One of the reasons I stopped updating is the changing environment surrounding WordPress themes.
    Modern WordPress does not use the PHP templating system that this theme uses.
    In such an environment, the theme would break if I tried to adapt it to the latest WordPress features.

    The WordPress theme directory hosts 5000 themes, but only 150 themes are compatible with the latest WordPress.

    Most themes are now called classic themes, similar to Raindrops.

    For now, I love meeting people like you who love Raindrops.
    I would love to help them, but I can’t promise how long I will be able to do so.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by nobita.
    Theme Author nobita


    トップバーの右側 更新ボタンの右側の歯車をクリックすると たぶん表示できます。

    Theme Author nobita


    Latest Posts (コアブロック)の表示方法について

    1. 管理画面 / 外観 / ウィジェットを開きます。
    3. + をクリックすると、ダイアログボックスが表示されるので、すべて表示をクリックします
    4. 左サイドバーが表示されるので、 widget の項目内で、「Latest Posts(最新の投稿)」を見つけクリックしてください。
    5. 右サイドバーに、投稿コンテンツをONにして、要約、全文表示を選択します。その他の項目も、好みに応じて設定してください。

    6. 次に右のサイドバーの一番下に「追加CSSクラス」という項目があるので、「my-latest-post」と入力します。(クラスを入力しないでCSSを書くと、他の場所のスタイルも変更されるのを防ぐためです。)
    7. 保存したら、カスタマイザーに移動して追加CSSに、以下のスタイルを入力してください。

    #raindrops .my-latest-post li{




    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by nobita.
    Theme Author nobita







    Theme Author nobita


    Hi @patto1978

    It appears as such when there are too many items in the primary menu.

    Please Change your customizer settings

    Customize / Presentation / Menu /

    Primary Menu Automatic Responsive

    Set NO and save

    Thank you.

    Theme Author nobita



    Want to display in a layout similar to capture?

    In the group blocks, turn off the Inner blocks use full width setting.
    No need to set wide width

    It looks like you’re adding the following styles, but you don’t need them either

    select {
    	  position: absolute;
    	  top: 130px;
    	  left: 29%;
    	  width: 350px;
    	  z-index: 1;

    Customize/ Theme Scheme
    Site Editor with Custom CSS.
    change enabled and save

    Once saved, open the blog once and then open the customizer again to see the Additional CSS entry.

    Add CSS

    div.wide table th,
    div.wide table td{

    For block image, select full width from the menu displayed above the block

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by nobita.
    Theme Author nobita


    Do you advise me to update to wordpress 6.0.1?

    There is no idea recommending anyone who already runs a website using the raindrops theme to update to WordPress 6.0.1.

    The reason I use WordPress 6.0.1 is to create the latest WordPress themes.

    This theme works both as a raindrops-like (classic theme) and as a new block theme.

    The themes I have published now are as follows.

    Thank you.

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