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  • Hi Angella,

    You’re welcome! ??

    It’s working for me on Safari 13.1.2. It wouldn’t work on the home page at first. I opened the blog page and the dropdowns worked. I went back to the home page and the dropdowns magically started working there too.

    Have a great week!

    Hi needsomehelp79!

    If you want to fix the font size, you can add a media query into the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section. I think you may have already done this, as I see some autogenerated code on line 146.

    Paste this into the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section:

    /* Reduce the font-size for cover block images on mobile devices for the post */
    @media only screen and (max-width:768px) {
    #post-776 .wp-block-cover h2 { font-size: 37px!important } /* Change the font-size to whatever you need it to be. */

    When the screen width is less than 768px, the font size will reduce to 37px for the text that goes above the three images on (“post-776”). I set the size to 37px as that’s half of the 74px that the headings display as above 768px.

    The reduced font size also seems to fix the formatting issue that I saw before writing this code.

    Please let me know if you need any further help!

    Hey satimis02!

    Another way to do this is to use the embed code from Vimeo instead of copying the video’s URL into WordPress.

    You can do this:

    • Follow Vimeo’s instructions found here, which explain how to change the frame size.
    • Add the code from Vimeo as a custom HTML block in WordPress using these instructions.

    Please let me know if that works for you!

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: Test site

    If you used, the site files are stored on the site’s own server. You can transfer whatever you made there to your own server by using this guide.

    If you used one of the other options, then the site files would be stored on your computer.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 404 Home Page

    Yeah, it works on different devices for me. The images don’t load though.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Contact form.

    Hi Paul!

    Sorry to hear you’re having this issue! Let’s see if we can find those missing messages!

    Your site appears to be using the WPForms plugin for the contact form. I use that on my site too! I assume you’ve installed the latest versions of WordPress, WPForms, etc. because you have just finished setting up your site?

    There are two options to find the comments submitted through your contact form:

    1. Export them using WPForms built-in export tool. You can click here to learn how to do that. WPForms exports this data into a CSV file, which you can open in something like Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.
    2. The form might have been setup to automatically send an email after someone submitted a comment through your contact form. You can learn how that works and how to set that up by clicking here.
    • If this feature was set up, you can check the email address that was meant to receive the notifications from your site’s contact form.
    • If the feature wasn’t set up, I’d recommend following the instructions for how to do that by clicking here. If you set the form to send the comments to an email you check regularly, then you should receive and have easy access to your website’s comments.

    Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions!


    p.s. I’ve always liked the Southampton red and white stripes, though I support a different team that wears red!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 404 Home Page

    Hey naijacenter!

    The homepage works on my side. Did you manage to fix this issue or do you still need help?

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: Test site

    Hey Mushlih!

    You can create a WordPress test site by following this guide.

    The guide has a few options for setting up a WordPress test site for free.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!

    Hi Jerald!

    Sorry to hear you’re having this issue!

    It’s most likely caused by the browser caching before WordPress was set up on it. Your browser has stored the site before anything was on it. That’s why it says: “You see this page because there is no Web site at this address.” It’s also why the site works on other devices but not your Windows 10 laptop.

    You can test this solution as follows:

    • Open in an incognito or private window, as that should bypass the browser’s cache.
    • If the site opens, you can follow a guide on how to clear the browser cache by clicking here.

    If clearing the browser cache doesn’t work, another software could be caching the site. If you’re using something like CloudFlare or a WordPress caching plugin, then one of those could be the problem.

    Hope this helps! If you have any further issues, please let me know!

    Hi canabalance!

    Sorry to hear you’re having some issues with child themes.

    The stylesheet has loaded correctly:

    There’s a gap between the number and px of the width and border in the .wpcf7 class, which is why the form styling hasn’t changed. It should read as follows:

    .wpcf7 {
    background: #A3A3A3;
    border: <strong>1px</strong> solid #49494<strong>9;</strong>
    width: <strong>700px</strong>;

    As for the .woocommerce-cart table.cart td.actions button[name=’update_cart’], I’d suggest following this guide. It explains exactly how to change the “Update cart” button in a similar way to how you want it to work.

    Or you could try this guide that explains how to modify the cart page in general.

    Please let me know if you need any further help!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Niall Madhoo.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Niall Madhoo.

    Hey mahmoudegypte!

    To fix the permissions problem you’re having, you can click here to follow the official WordPress Support guide instructions.

    If you find that guide a bit difficult to follow (it explains many different permissions), you can click here to follow a different guide.

    If you have any other questions, please let me know!

    You’re welcome!

    Sorry, I only copied the menu code and not the rest of the styles, so the line numbers were different. And that code is only for when the mouse hovers over the sub-menu items! I’ve no idea what I was thinking lol.

    I looked at it again. The responsive code from the “style.css” was removed. I would suggest adding that code back to your “style.css” file, as it controls some of the mobile functionality of your site. It also controls the dropdown menus.

    You can find the code from line 2319 to line 2651 (I double-checked this time!) of the original theme’s “style.css” file: It’s labelled “16. RESPONSIVE.” Copy the code to line 1655 of your “style.css” file.

    As you wanted to modify the CSS code, I’d suggest copy/pasting whatever code you’d like to modify into the “Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS” section of the WordPress admin instead of editing the “style.css” file. Then modify the “Additional CSS” code instead.

    That way, if you update your “style.css” to a newer version from ZThemes, you won’t need to redo the changes that you made to the CSS code. And the site shouldn’t break in case something necessary was removed.

    I added the responsive code into my browser to test it, and the drodown menus are now working:

    Please add the code to your site and let me know if it works.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Niall Madhoo.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Niall Madhoo.

    Hey alexwh87,

    • I’ve used the TablePress plugin to create tables in WordPress.
    • It has filters and a search function.
    • It has a premium extension that allows filtering by row, which you can find by clicking here.
    • You can save the Excel data as a CSV file. And then you can import the CSV file into TablePress like this image shows.

      However, TablePress does not work very well on mobile devices by default. You can add that functionality using TablePress’s premium extension, found here.

      To get the design exactly like it is in Excel, you can add some CSS code to your site. You can view a demo of the TablePress plugin by clicking here.

    • If you need an alternative that works a bit differently for mobile devices (better in my opinion) and has a paid version that allows you to customize the design without knowing CSS then Ninja Tables is another option.

      You can view a demo of the plugin by clicking here.

    In summary:

    • TablePress is the most downloaded table plugin for WordPress and has all the functionality you need.
    • Ninja Tables also has the functionality you need, and is a bit easier to style without coding.
    • Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please let me know!

    Hey Angella!

    I’m sorry to hear there are problems with the submenus on your site.

    There is one option that might help fix this issue:

    I compared the “style.css” file from your site (found here) with the “style.css” from the demonstration of the Kokoro WordPress theme that you use on your website (found here). I used TextCompare’s CSS comparison tool (found here) to find the difference between the two stylesheets.

    The :hover state for the dropdown menu has been removed from your theme’s “style.css” file. This CSS code determines the background and border for the dropdown menu. I think that by removing that code, the dropdown no longer works as it’s supposed to work.

    Could you please try adding the following code (copied from the original Kokoro theme’s “style.css” file) after line 115 of your website’s “style.css” file?

    #nav-wrapper .sub-menu a:hover {
      background: #f9f9f9;
      color: #000;

    The “mini window” does not show on my computer. I think that adding the code should fix the “mini window” pop up based on how you described the way it works.

    Hope this helps! If you need any more help, please let me know.

    p.s. Your site looks great!

    Hey mjj4golf!

    The most likely reason for this is that WP has reformatted the code if it was opy/pasted directly into the editor.

    Click here for a quick tutorial on how to insert the HTML code without WP reformatting it.

    For an entire custom HTML page added to WP, you can click here to learn how to do that. It’s better to upload that separately without WP.

    Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please let me know!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Niall Madhoo.
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