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Hi Guys, @rochesterj @corrinarusso @savvasha
Do you have any idea to solve this problem. I will be grateful for any help.
Many thanks.
A.Many thanks.
I sit on the problem over two weeks so, Thank you for your help.Thanks 4 reply. That’s right, I can enter 1:34:33 but the system reads it as 1 hour 34 minutes and 33 seconds. And I want to enter 1 minute 34 seconds and 33 hundredths of a second. Hundreds of seconds are 0-99. So in case when I would like to enter the time 1:23:66 after entering, the system will change it to 1:24:04 (because it think 66 are seconds (of which there are 60) so it will change. And these are hundredths of a second so they should’t be changed.
Here is the problem.
the system uses hh: mm:ss(0-59) and I need mm:ss:hs (hundredths of a second 0-99), I hope I described it quite clearly. Thanks a lot!I have change in statistics everything on time and add 2 decimal places. I have tried even 4. Still the same.
In my player card in statistics i use achievements. There I have card Columns > containing ( achivements & statistics) even when I change achievements on statistics and add 2 decimal places it change time from 01:34:74 to 01:35:14
System “think” that this is 01h:34m:14sec & I need 01min:34sec:89hs
This is time in seasonsone prtscr more. had to use it under player metrics.
Sportspress>settings>achievementsI have: time
look here is 2 prtscr’s: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Menu broken – I can’t add anything to the menuLittle update. All WP working strange. (it hangs) Peage with plugins. I’m clicking Add new>search tap any thing eg. Avatar. And Admin panel hangs.
(animations spinning) Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Double player photoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Double player photoOne more question if I can.
I have double picture player:
I have tried paste three solutions with code: to SP>general>cssfor exaple:
.sp_player > #page-image {
display: none;
}still have double.
Can you help ??
Thanks a lot ?? Thank you for your time ?? trifle but I fell in a loop ??
Have a nice day. Regards.
The photo box was avialable all the time. It was gone I don’t know when. I was making update sportspress…maybe after this?…