Forum Replies Created
Could you please provide an online page?!
You can do that using custom CSS code, you can add a custom CSS class to your columns, then add this custom CSS code in your WordPress
change 120 by the value you want.
I have just checked your website for example in the title “Vodi? kroz tropsko vo?e” it seems that you have applied oblique as the font-style.
Just check that element font settings & try to change oblique to default.
Hi @posimyththemes Have you found a solution for this issue, a ticket was open a year ago in Elementor Github but still no solution or patch even if they promised that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Elementor Website Builder - More Than Just a Page Builder] Default FontsAfter more digging in the code here is the solution
$this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Typography::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'text_font', 'label' => esc_html__('Typography', 'plugin-slug'), 'fields_options' => [ 'font_size' => ['default' =>['size' => 50,'unit' => 'px']], 'font_weight' => ['default' => '800'], 'typography' => ['default' => 'custom'], ], 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .your-element-class', ] );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Elementor Website Builder - More Than Just a Page Builder] Default FontsHi @cavalierlife,
Thank you for your answer, Yes I have already digged into the docs but it’s really lacking. I have also searched in the Elementor source code but no luck.