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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    Very nice!!

    Any site using pink I’ve seen until now has usuall been pretty aweful. Your site has a kind of “mystical” feel to it, good job!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Page Link

    I’m not too sure exactly what you mean, but I think you may be looking for permalinks.

    Permalinks would let you access the pages and posts without the query string (ie: instead of Read the codex article on permalinks or search the forums for “permalinks” if you need more help on that.

    If permalinks are not what you are looking for, I think you’ll need to explain it in more detail.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Link targets


    I’m not sure if this may be helpful for what you are trying to do, but I use this plugin, called Zap_NewWindow which uses some javascript to automatically make all external links open in a new window and it seems to validate as compliant XHTML code.

    It works very well in both Firefox and IE (I’m assuming javascript must be enabled). Hopefully this is helpful for you!


    OK, I do apologize, I thought the solution was MUCH more simplistic than it is!

    Undo what I told you to do in my last post, that will bring things back to the pre-“before I screwed up your site up” condition.

    From looking at some of the files in the theme, you would need to add the get_sidebar() command immediatly above the get_footer() command to the respective templates where you’d want the sidebar to be present. However, I’m not sure how that will affect your layout, as the style sheet would need to accomodate the pages having the sidebar.

    I’m sure if you search around here or wait for someone else (ie: one who knows what there doing) to answer your post, someone should have an answer. Contact the designer of the theme or look around the website and see if there is any info from others that want to do/have done what you would like.

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help to you!

    Good luck,


    Firstly, thank you! I’ve been trying to figure out how to add an end of proof mark to my posts.

    I’ve figured out the Ω sign, you need to add the $content .= ‘&Omega’; right before the last line in the function, so it looks like this:

    $content .= ‘&Omega’;
    echo $content;

    That will display the Ω properly. On mine, it does start it on a new line though. I’m not sure how to change that aspect of it.

    If you or anyone else knows how or has figured out how to append the content inline with the rest of the text, please post the solution!

    Thanks and cheers,


    If you look in the sidebar.php file, you’ll see about half-way down or so the line of code: <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?>. You could remove that piece of code (along with the appropriate end bracket) and that should make it display on all pages. Make sure you have a back-up before you edit!

    Read up on Conditional Tags and you can figure out how to get it to show under whatever circumstance you wish!


    Tweaking just the .post styles will not be sufficient, as there are many other style parts to your posting:

    <div class=”post” id=”post-34″>
    <h2><a href=”;
    <small>August 21st, 2005 by Administrator</small>
    <div class=”entry”>
    Ever had a dream to experience the space flight?
    Read the rest »
    <p class=”postmetadata”> 1 Comment »

    You can see from the above snippet from you’re site, that in addition to “post”, you’ll probably have to alter “entry”, “postmetadata” and things like “madding”, “margins” etc for any other element within the structure to get the look that you want. Basically, just back-up your style.css file and then through trial and error, get the spacing correct for your site.

    I’m sure if you woul go ahead and search for things like “Kubrick modification”, “CSS tutorials” and what not, you’ll find some information that will help you solve your problem.

    Good luck,


    In short, I have no idea what alternatives there are to magpie. I know before I started using WordPress I did an extensive search looking for things similar to magpie, but to no avail.

    Is it just the “Latest Blog Entry” that you use magpie for on the front page?



    No worries. Being new to WordPress myself, I just find it frustrating when I’m searching for help and end up on page after page of *bumps* from people. ??

    I really do think it’s magpie, as all everything else (including the RSS feeds) appear normal in WordPress. I’m sure there is a simple solution to the issue within magpie, but agian as I know nothing about it, I couldn’t say what that is. Try searching the forums for magpie and see what you come up with!

    Good luck,

    Nice design, not too busy and easy on the eyes colour! But as others have said, it is VERY slow in loading and I’m on a good DSL connection.

    But again, being not too busy visually should put more focus on your content – good job!


    It looks as if it’s part of a translation plugin, which uses BabelFish to translate the page. So it’s probably something you’ve installed, not something the WP itself is doing.

    jrothra, not to be snippy, but 24 hours have past between your first post and your second. Everyone providing help is a volunteer, ie: they help because they want to, not for any other reason, so I don’t think there is any guranteed turn-around time for replies. Being a nice Christian, you know patience is a virtue ??

    Anyway, I would hazard a guess that the issue is not with WordPress, as looking at the WordPress site and the actual feed, the apostrophe appears correctly on both, but with the magpie script itself, as only on the frontpage (with the blog entries coming from magpie I’m guessing) they come out wonky. I know nothing about that script, but might I suggest searching it’s documentation and support tools. It could possibly be something with the encoding somewhere, but again, I’m not familiar with magpie.

    Beyond looking at the magpie support and perhaps upgrading magpie and/or WordPress to the latest version (you appear to be using 1.5.2), I couldn’t offer you any other advice at the moment.



    You gave a very detailed description of the problem, but I noticed that you didn’t mention maybe speaking to your webhost? I’m only assuming that you didn’t because of the excellent detail of the issue!

    Your .htaccess looks exactly like mine does and mine works exactly like it should. Perhaps speak to your webhost and see if there is some issue they have or something like that.

    Other than that (which I hope for you is the case and that it can be fixed up quickly) I’m sure someone who is a pro with .htaccess could figure it out for you, sadly, this is not me!

    Good luck!


    I’ve just left a test comment on the page you links above and it all works just fine. I’m not usre what the problem is exactly, it works just as it should. ??


    PS: You may want to delete the test comment ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Akismet Problems


    I found this one in my FF history: WordPress FAQ on API key and there are some FAQ’s and probably contact info on the Akismet homepage.

    Other than that, I haven’t a clue, hopefully someone at Akismet or a brighter individual on the forums here can be of more help!

    Good luck,

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