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Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)
  • Thread Starter nitrospectide


    The capabilities I am trying to enable look like:


    vc_ is Visual Composer – now known as WP Bakery Page Builder. This setting enables the use of the builder on the CPT named after the / (events in this case).

    I have my live site, plus two development site copies. At first, my one development site let me check these boxes, no problem. My live site did not. I tried it on the other dev site, and it also would not let me check the boxes. I looked at differences between the sites, and noticed that my core WordPress had not been updated in a bit on the dev site where I was able to set the checkbox (6.4.x, I think). The live and other dev sites both had newer (but not current – they were at 6.5.x) versions of WP. I updated WordPress (6.6.x) on the site where the checkboxes worked, and now I can no longer set the checkboxes on that dev site.

    On the dev site that I had updated to the current WP core version, I updated my other plugins, including WP Bakery Page Builder. It still does not let me set these checkboxes. Although now, when I click one, it jumps me back up to the top of the page, and if I scroll all the way back down, I see this error message at the bottom of the page:

    “Unexpected Issue

    An unexpected application issue has arisen. Please feel free to report this issue to us, and we will promptly provide you with a solution. Report issue”

    Note also that while I have not tested all of the vc_ capabilities for each CPT, I CAN set/unset checkboxes on other vc_ capabilities, and other things unrelated to WPB/Visual Composer.

    The reason this is such a sticking point, is that without the boxes checked, the role I am creating is unable to use WPB to edit content on those posts, which is a necessity.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    Mikko: That did it! Thank you.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    I’m being asked if I can get this working. Do you have any insight on what might be happening here?

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    I followed your suggestion, and it was an easy fix. +1 on adding that to the reserved slug list.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    I tried what you described, and the widgets admin reappeared.

    So I reformatted the exported JSON and scanned through it visually. Lots of posts types, but not a lot of settings are set. My initial reaction: could using the name “Sidebar” for a post type be causing some kind of collision? If so, what’s the best way to remedy it? Doesn’t renaming a CPT end up copying everything? That will break some of my hardcoded inclusions of those in my template files.

    The JSON dump:

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    Thread Starter nitrospectide



    I have gone through the site, working with tech support at our web host to try everything and watch for any sort of clue as I repeatedly reloaded the Widgets admin page that has the missing UI. Thus far:

    There are no console errors, so it does not appear to be a front-end UI issue.

    There are no Apache, or PHP errors in those logs.

    With the site in debug mode, no errors are appearing.

    I tried switching to a core theme, and I deactivated every plugin but CPTUI, but the problem still persisted. As soon as I deactivated CPTUI, the widgets reappeared on my admin screen.

    What do you advise as a next step in troubleshooting?

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    DERP. Title of this should be Feature Req: Getting Values from URL?

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    I also have this code from your knowledge base in my functions.php:

    function rlv_relationship_content( $content, $post ) {
      // Fetching the post data by the relationship field.
      $relationships = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'author', true );
      if ( ! is_array( $relationships ) ) {
        $relationships = array( $relationships );
      foreach ( $relationships as $related_post ) {
        $content .= ' ' . get_the_title( $related_post );
      return $content;
    add_filter( 'relevanssi_content_to_index', 'rlv_relationship_content', 10, 2 );

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    It was appearing in the JSON that’s inside the tag at line 32:

    <script data-no-defer="1" data-ezscrex="false" data-cfasync="false" data-pagespeed-no-defer data-cookieconsent="ignore">

    I just looked, and it’s not there any more. The var name says nonce, so I’m guessing you are using it temporarily and then re-generating it. The problem is, it was generating what I initially pasted in the ticket, which Website Auditor was reading as a bad link.

    If it regenerates periodically, then sometimes I may have bad links in there, sometimes not. I don’t know how often it does this, or where it gets those bad URLs. It had looked like an older version of that page’s permalink.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    Ah! Nice. I just made use of this. I had a block that pulled up whatever the latest eBook is in our collection, and now I can create blocks that target specific eBooks based on unique values for the PDF filename ACF I have on each. This is very useful.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    Thank you!

    I did not realize that what I was seeing in the permalink editor field was separate from the page slug. The setting for showing the native slug field was exactly what I needed. I updated my slug, matched my template name, and it works perfectly now.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    It turned out that I had a line dequeuing a stylesheet that had previously not been in use (for performance reasons), but now was in use. The change in the Query Loop block must have moved the styles from one sheet to the other. I removed the dequeue of that sheet, and now it works again.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by nitrospectide.
    Thread Starter nitrospectide


    Thank you for the very helpful answers.

    Please keep in mind that the ACF fields will need to be exposed to the REST API for this to display correctly in the block editor.

    What do I need to do to do this?

    Unfortunately, without using a custom extension for AQL, I don’t think you’ll be able to display the posts linked in the ACF Relationship as it’s more complicated that simple post meta queries.

    How hard would this be to add? Can it be a feature request?

    Do you have a roadmap for your plans on this nice, and very much needed plugin? Have you ever looked at Drupal’s Views module? It’s an interesting model of a query builder for this sort of application.

    Thread Starter nitrospectide



Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)