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  • Thread Starter ninjaboy


    Otto – fantastic! I knew there must be some WP functionality I could use – looks like wp_filter_kses is the way forward here!

    Adam – thanks for your help, I presumed that becuase the popup didn’t activate that it was ok… you learn something new every day!

    Everyone – thanks for your patience and great advice!

    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    Thanks adamrbrown – thats a a really good starting point – at least I now know how to test input vulnerability, cheers!

    I tried inputting the code suggested into the options form of my plugin:

    RESULT: Nothing appeared on the frontend of the site where the plugin was called, when I looked at the sourcecode of the page I had this outputted:

    <script>alert(\'xss\');</script> – and no popup appeared, so I take it from that result that it’s ok on that front then?

    Im sorry at being such a dimwit – but how would I implement ‘kses’ – or can I just filter special characters? Is there a WordPress function I can use rather than bundling more code into my (very simple!) plugin?

    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    Oh, I thought it might be useful if I post my basic working example code. I have adapted this from the working example given on the site I followed to build it.

    This is not exactly what my plugin does, but the database functionality is the same – it just has a bit more to it (I’m still building functionality into it)!

    Hopefully this will make it a bit clearer what I am doing and make it easier to understand:

    Plugin Name: Hello World Test
    Plugin URI:
    Version: 0.1
    License: GPL
    Description: A simple plugin build test with admin page
    Author: WordPress
    Author URI:
    === RELEASE NOTES ===
    10.11.2007 - v0.1 - first version released
    function say_hello() {
    	$greeting = get_option('hello_greeting');
    	$target = get_option('hello_target');
    	print "$greeting $target";
    function set_hello_options() {
    	add_option('hello_greeting','hello','What to say');
    	add_option('hello_target','world','To whom to say');
    function unset_hello_options() {
    function update_hello_options() {
    	$ok = false;
    	if ($_REQUEST['hello_greeting']) {
    		$ok = true;
    	if ($_REQUEST['hello_target']) {
    		$ok = true;
    	if ($ok) {
    	<div id="message" class="update fade"><b>Options saved.</b>
    	else {
    	?><div id="message" class="error fade">
    	Failed to save options - ensure you have something filled into each field please!
    function print_hello_form() {
    	$default_greeting = get_option('hello_greeting');
    	$default_target = get_option('hello_target');
    	<form method="post">
    		<input type="text" name="hello_greeting" value="<?=$default_greeting?>">
    		<input type="text" name="hello_target" value="<?=$default_target?>">
    	<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes" class="button"/>
    function modify_menu() {
    						'Hello World Options',	//page title
    						'Hello World',			//sub-menu title
    						'manage_options',		//access/capability
    						__FILE__,				//file
    						'admin_hello_options'	//function
    function admin_hello_options() {
    if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') )
    wp_die(__('You do no have permission to access this page.'));
    <div class="wrap"><h2>Hello World Options</h2>
    if ($_REQUEST['submit']) {
    <h2>Output Preview</h2>
    	<b>Your site will display the following:</b>
    	$greeting = get_option('hello_greeting');
    	$target = get_option('hello_target');
    	print "$greeting $target";
    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    Guys – thanks very much! I will have a good look over this over the next few days and do my best to implement the most appropriate security for what I’m trying to do.

    Ivovic – cheers man, the way I see it is that if you are going to do something, you may as well do it properly!

    Yup – you are right about the warning regarding Custom Write Panel, but it works perfectly… I think it was because it is still officially in an alpha stage.

    I have left 2 comments (along with someone else that mentions WP2.3 compatibility) and hope that the developer is able to fit this in.

    I can only imagine how infuriating it must be to have to go back and re-engineer the PHP of your plugins when the structure of WP changes like this.

    Here’s fingers crossed that someone picks up on this – I know Custom Write Panel is not that popular, but it really is a VERY powerful plugin and can be used to great effect to make WordPress act like a custom CMS – hats off to the dude who wrote the plugin!

    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    OK, more research and trial and error (mostly error!).

    Should I be using wp_nonce_field, wp_nonce_url, check_admin_referer, functions when saving options that depend on user input?

    What functions should/can I use to sanitize the input?

    I hope someone in the WP community notices this and throws in a suggestion – especially if it was implemented in the code above, “Hello World” I can understand!

    I am using the Custom Write Panel plugin from Rhymed Code – it is VERY good allowing the creation of new write panels with a whole bunch of custom fields. It also allows these custom write panels to publish content in a fixed category.

    This plugin makes WordPress so easy to use for many, many people, and helps turn it into much more of a CMS system. I consider this to be one of the most important plugins available for WordPress.

    However, it suffers from the dreaded errors as it can’t show the categories now (amongst other things). It worked perfectly on the 2.2 branch.

    PLEASE – has anyone worked out how to fix this yet? The author seems to not be around at the moment, I have left comments.

    I don’t have much cash, but I’d be willing to throw someone a small PayPal donation as an incentive!

    Have a look at your theme files – inside your current theme folder you will probably find a document called ‘page.php’ – this is the file used to display ‘Pages’ (NOT POSTS!) – if you don’t have one you can usually just duplicate ‘index’php’ (depending on your theme), rename it ‘page.php’ and save and upload it to your server.

    Then just delve into the code and if you don’t want the date (and it shouldn’t show category if it is a page anyway) just look for something that looks like this:

    <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?>


    Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?>

    … then just delete these out of your new ‘page.php’ file and you should be sorted!

    JUST REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR THEME FIRST!! Have a go, you are going to find it very hard to break anything if you just stick to modifying theme files!

    Oh, you may also find this link helpful as it outlines what files get used where:

    Keep up the good work fella, I LURVE the sound of this plugin!

    Ah, just to clarify, the Advanced Search Plugin I mentioned (not the light version) is at

    – This would be nearly perfect, but I’m guessing theres either a mistake in the code, or it’s not compatible with WP v2.2.2 – as I said, the results seem to start showing up attachments in the search results, which is no good for me I’m afriad!

    Yes – I’m also using searcheverything plugin and need to exclude certain post categories from the search results – I’d also like to exclude some pages too!! I have built a site that uses certain post categories to build interface graphics like sidebars and stuff… and don’t want these to showup in search results.

    Ive tried many different search plugins – the best (apart from it was showing up attachments – NOT desirable for my situation!) was – NOT the lite version (I think he’s got his links mixed up!) the full version allows you to exclude certain categories if you delve into the plugin code (not for the faint hearted!!) – so there is a way to do this, if only I was good enough at PHP I could combine the exclude category search of the zirona plugin with search everything… and be a VERY happy man!

    Yup, thats the way I used to do it – until I discovered this plugin a while back… it really works a treat!

    It gives you complete control over what to display in the write and edit windows, just what you need without hacking core code:

    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    OK, after sweating over this for ages I now have a fix, but now I need to know how to implement this in a plugin!

    In the file wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php I have added two lines into the initArray = section

    theme_advanced_text_colors : “FF00FF,FFFF00,000000”,
    theme_advanced_more_colors : false,

    How do I get this bundled into a plugin, rather than hard coding it into the core files, which will obviously have to be updated every time I update WP… not ideal!

    PLEASE – Someone help!!

    Thread Starter ninjaboy


    Incidentally, I found this on their site:

    Option: theme_advanced_text_colors

    This option controls the colors shown in the palette of colors displayed by the text color button. The default is a palette of 40 colors. It should contain a comma separated list of color values to be presented.

    	theme_advanced_text_colors : "FF00FF,FFFF00,000000"

    How do I implement this in my plugin…any ideas?? I’d ideally not like to have to hack to core code to make upgrades easier.

    Here is a good link I came across today, it also features links to some informative resources all in one place.

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