Forum Replies Created
Hi guys, is there any update on this call, seems like the support for this plugin is really not very good. although the plugin is generally good which is frustrating to say the least.
thanks for the reply.
1. yes we have more than one ticket as in the image layout below, the suite, master and deluxe. so i need a conditional placeholder for the availability and conditions of 0 = display sold out and red and 1 or more to display available and green.
2. the code snippet im using is, [events_list_grouped]#_EVENTDATES ?#_EVENTLINK</br> #_EVENTTICKETS ?#_AVAILABLESPACES[/events_list_grouped]this is how it looks
what i need it to look like and how the layout to be is as follows, so im not sure if we can insert some sort of table? like below
Thank you for your reply, very helpful and defiantly put me in the right direction to understanding more, i do have 2 more questions though if i may..
1. i cant seem to create the code to show the available tickets, also i would like this as a conditional placeholder, so that if the tickets are O then it will show red or sold out and if greater than 1 then it will be green or the number and 1 available etc.
2. when i use the following to display the list, i lose the formatting for the table layout as in the image above. how can i get this back?
3. how can i make sure everything lines up in the way as laid out in the image above.again thank you for taking the time on this to help me.
all my events will be laid out in this way so if there is a way i can define these as global settings i can then easily apply across all events. once i understand the above i can then easily move forward with everything that i need.
many thanks
you have any custom code that i can try please
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Basic Google Maps Placemarks] disable scroll wheelsomeone must of done this, i found the code, but it relates to version 1.07 and the code seems to have change slightly in 1.10, i understand i need to add something to function.js, but can someone explain what and where please.