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  • Jeff,
    What settings did you use in the ‘extras plugin to get CF7 working?

    Thread Starter NingPo


    Thank you, Takayuki. I’ll refer this to the web developer.

    Thread Starter NingPo


    On the form we have:

    [file titleandcopyrightpages filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|pdf|doc|docx limit:30mb]

    On the mail tab under File Attachments:

    Mostly we see files under 1 MB but 10+ MB files are submitted a few times per month. If attachment fails due to size or other glitch, then normally the whole form fails to submit.

    As a side point, I’d like to have a progress bar so the user can see uploads as they transmit. The only way it works now the file is uploaded on Submit and not separately from the text on the mail form.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by NingPo. Reason: Clarify frequency of 10+ MB attachments

    “Reply-to” is touchy about syntax. Try it like this:


    or if you have a name along with the address:

    Reply-To:[name] <[your-email]>

    Hope this helps

    I’m new to this plug-in and have the same concern about visible passwords. How hopeful should we be for updates? If I’m reading Collum’s personal site and correctly, he’s moved on to other things and the plug-in has been at v 0.9.5 for over a year.

    Giving serious thought to the alternatives mentioned above.

    Thread Starter NingPo


    Thank you buzztone. Yes, some of the options that worked fine under the shared host are trouble on a new IP. Since the earlier post I’ve changed the forms to send from valid addresses in our domain:


    Reply to:[your-name] at [your-organization] <[your-email]

    Unfortunately the form behaved exactly as before — it can send to gmeil but not to dgiinc hosted by Microsoft.

    I found success with the WP Mail SMTP plugin recommended in CF7 documentation. It showed transaction logs under the old configuration with time-outs trying to reach Microsoft’s servers. That still has me stumped but it’s a moot point. (not that I’d mind figuring that one out) My only concern is that the settings page for WP Mail SMTP leaves the user password visible. It’s v.0.9.5 and the developer’s website seems to indicate he’s moved on to other things besides WP.

    Thread Starter NingPo


    Thank you davmerit,
    I wasn’t sure how much to include on the initial post. CF7 has done great work on my site for 3 years until the 2 recent glitches. I’m kicking myself for not fully documenting the steps taken to fix this problem the first time around.

    The forms are :

    Here are the Form and Mail sections:

    <p><h5>Send an e-mail to DGI: </h5></p>
    Fields marked with an asterisk(<font color=”red”>*</font>) are required.</p>
    <div id=”contact” style=” width:400px;” >

    <p><b><font color=”red”>*</font>Name:</b> [text* your-name] </p>

    <p><b>Organization:</b> [text your-organization]</p>

    <p><b><font color=”red”>*</font>Email:</b> [email* your-email] </p>

    <p><b>Phone: </b> [tel Phonenumber]</p>

    <p><b>Subject:</b> [text your-subject] </p></div>

    <p><b>Area of interest:</b>
    [checkbox* Checkbox “PCIP” “Cataloging” “Collection management” “Archives” “Data conversion” “Consultation” “Shelf-ready processing” “General inquiries”]</p>

    <p><font color=”red”>*</font><b>Enter your message:</b>
    [textarea your-message 50×10] </p>

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

    From: [your-name] at [your-organization] <[your-email]>
    Subject: [your-subject]
    No Additional headers
    Message Body: <b>Message from [your-name] at [your-organization]:</b>

    <b>I am interested in:</b>


    This email was sent via the contact form on DGI’s website
    Sent from IP address: [wpcf7.remote_ip]

    No File Attachments and Use Mail(2) us not selected

    Everything works as it should for the gmail address. Messages arrive in well under a minute after submission. It was all working for the address until the web hosting company moved the site to a new server.

    Aksimet Spam blocking has only stopped one message this month.

    Office 365 Exchange Admin message trace shows nothing reaching the email.

    Contact Form DB looks like it records messages as it should — It’s a new product for me and was only activated today.

    Activated WordPress plugins, all versions current except the last 2 with version noted:
    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
    Google Analytics by Yoast
    TinyMCE Advanced
    WP Backup Plugin v. 3.8.8
    WPtouch Pro v. 4.0.10

    I have cPanel and WordPress access to the host. Would any other info be helpful? Could anyone suggest further things to check?

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