Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Apply for job buttonI think he wants to have the button redirect to the actual job posting URL at another website.
That is already possible. You just need to enter the URL in the field where you could normally also add the Email.Go to Job Listings > Settings > Job Submission you’ll find a setting called Application method. This let’s you control what a user can submit via the job submission form. Set it to one of the following:
Email addresses only – Employers must enter a valid email address for candidates to apply via.
Website URLs only – Employers must enter a valid URL for candidates to apply via.
Email addresses or Website URLs – Employers can use either of the above.Depending on whats used (URL or email) determines how the “Apply for job” area looks on your site – it will show either a mailto: link, or a website link.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Change Dimension of Logo on Job List View and Single ViewSorry, that still made problems, because the image would get out of the frame of the div when the height of the images where bigger than about 30px.
This works:
ul.job_listings .company_logo { width: auto !important; height: auto !important; max-height: 60px !important; max-width: 150px !important; } ul.job_listings a { padding-left: 150px !important; } .single_job_listing .company .company_logo { width: auto !important; height: auto !important; max-height: 60px !important; max-width: 150px !important; } .single_job_listing .company { padding-left: 150px !important; } .single_job_listing .company { min-height: 60px !important; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Change Dimension of Logo on Job List View and Single ViewImages would distort (stretch for me) I fixed this by using auto for height:
ul.job_listings .company_logo { width: 150px !important; height: auto !important; } ul.job_listings a { padding-left: 150px !important; } .single_job_listing .company .company_logo { width: 150px !important; height: auto !important; } .single_job_listing .company { padding-left: 150px !important; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate] qtranslate not working with 3.9.1Same problem here. I fixed it by using this plugin (a fork of qtranslate):
Instructions to install:
1. deactivate qtranslate
2. install & activate mqtranslate
3. configure mqtranslate in: Settings > Languagesmqtranslate works very well for me. All your posts are preserved and it keeps the nice way you can switch between languages with the tabs. Maybe qtranslate and mqtranslate can work together – for me it is just important, that the plugin works. Maybe Qian Qin can just hand over some development to the new programmers, so mqtranslate can be incorporated into qtranslate. Would be best, so the name stays and there is not so much confusion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate] Pages/Posts not saved in visual mode (only in text mode)Same problem here. I fixed it by using this plugin (a fork of qtranslate):
Instructions to install:
1. deactivate qtranslate
2. install & activate mqtranslate
3. configure mqtranslate in: Settings > Languagesmqtranslate works very well for me. Maybe qtranslate and mqtranslate can work together – for me it is just important, that the plugin works. Maybe Qian Qin can just hand over some development to the new programmers, so mqtranslate can be incorporated into qtranslate. Would be best, so the name stays and there is not so much confusion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Maps Plugin by Intergeo] SuggestionMarked as solved…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Maps Plugin by Intergeo] SuggestionSorry, I just found out this is already possible: Just go to “Media” > Intergeo Maps
Now everything works perfect!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with Accordeons and Input fields when activating PluginsI fixed this by enqueing the javascript files in functions.php. There was also a problem with jquery being enqued twice, which probably caused the problem with other elements of the site when activating certain plugins.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction esmi ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with Accordeons and Input fields when activating PluginsOk, I guess that would be best as well.
Thanks for your help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with Accordeons and Input fields when activating PluginsI am not such a great coder, this is what I found inside functions.php:
add_shortcode('akkordeon', 'nr_shortcode_akkordeon'); function nr_shortcode_akkordeon ($aArguments, $sInnerContent, $sShortcode) { $aArguments = nr_digest_shortcode_arguments($aArguments); global $aAkkordeonBereiche; $aAkkordeonBereiche = array(); $sInnerContent = nr_process_standard_content($sInnerContent); $sAkkordeonHtml = ''; foreach ($aAkkordeonBereiche as $aBereich) { $sBereichHtml = ' <div class="na_bereich"> <h3 class="nas_head">' . $aBereich['aArguments']['ueberschrift'] . '</h3> <div class="nas_body standard_content">' . $aBereich['sInnerContent'] . '</div> </div> '; $sAkkordeonHtml .= $sBereichHtml; } global $iAkkordeonNr; $iAkkordeonNr = intval($iAkkordeonNr) + 1; $sID = 'nat_akkordeon_' . $iAkkordeonNr; $sScript = ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<[CDATA[ (function () { var oData = {}; oData.sNr = "' . $iAkkordeonNr . '"; oData.sID = "' . $sID . '"; oData.jAkkordeon = jQuery("#" + oData.sID);"oAkkordeonData", oData); oData.aSections = []; var jSections = oData.jAkkordeon.find(".na_bereich"); for (var iS = 0; iS < jSections.length; iS ++) { var oSection = {}; oSection.jSection = jSections.eq(iS); oSection.jHead = oSection.jSection.find(".nas_head"); oSection.jBody = oSection.jSection.find(".nas_body"); oSection.bOpen = true; = function () {; this.bOpen = true; } oSection.close = function () { this.jBody.hide(); this.bOpen = false; }"oSectionData", oSection);{ var oSection = $(this).data("oSectionData"); if (oSection.bOpen) { oSection.close(); } else {; } }); oSection.close(); oData.aSections.push(oSection); } })(); //]]> </script> '; $sAkkordeonHtml = '<section id="' . $sID . '" class="nat_akkordeon">' . $sAkkordeonHtml . '</section>' . $sScript; return $sAkkordeonHtml; }
The theme was developed especially for this website, so is this what is causing the problems and how can I enqueue the script the right way?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Incompatible with WPML (?)There is a fix posted here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Will the latest WPML update fix the incompatibility?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate] qtranslate Headerimage KopfbildIf the theme has an option menu, you can enter this:
Or hardcode this into the theme header (header.php) in the the theme folder:
<?php if (qtrans_getLanguage() == 'en') : ?> <li><a href="/jabajaba">My best home</a></li> <?php else : ?> <li><a href="jabajaba/du">Mein Bestes Haus</a></li> <?php endif; ?>
For further questions: you can contact me at [email protected]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP-Table Reloaded] Cannot save changes for big tableUpdate:
Both php.ini files, the one in the root folder AND the one in wp-admin need to have this Suhosin plugin removed, so delete this line:
extension=””Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP-Table Reloaded] Cannot save changes for big tableOk, the solution to this problem was the following:
Write a php.ini file into the wp-admin folder (php.ini was in the root folder, but this did not help) and remove the following line from it:
extension=””This deactivates the Suhosin extension, which obviously messes around with the wp-table reloaded plugin.
Thanks again Tobias for his help and I hope somebody else saves some time, by reading this topic…