Forum Replies Created
I am developer, but custom modifications in plugin’s code are not update-proof and simple thing as that should be considered in options or as filter.
So i can expect any help in that matter or should i just look on my own or switch plugin?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post My CF7 Form] Submission doesn’t work?Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Orphans] Problem z PolylangCzy testowa?e? mo?e z innymi wtyczkami t?umaczeń?
Chcia?bym zaproponowa? u siebie w firmie alternatywy ale nie chc? ogranicza? si? jedynie do WPML.I understand that, but from my experience sometimes even 10 login attempts from people is within “i forgot” ?? Brute force logins are almost always 20+ attempts, at least from my experience.
Works for now, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Export Suite for CSV and XML Datafeed] Stuck at 0%Also seems like for some reason i can’t install addons, clicking on “install” buttons does nothing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Orphans] Wtyczka nie radzi sobie z Polylang8.0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Orphans] Wtyczka nie radzi sobie z PolylangRobi?em downgrade a? do 3.1.4, problem nadal wyst?powa?.
Wydaje mi si? ?e jest jaka? korelacja pomi?dzy nowym WP i Poly ale g?owy nie dam.Makes sense, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Orphans] Wtyczka nie radzi sobie z PolylangZainstalowane, niestety bez ró?nicy.
Ok, that’s cool.
So maybe in meantime you can help me with another thing:
– according to that report image “cancellation-4944727_” is not using webp format even if it’s in default media folder and plugin says that 100% of media files has been converted.
Can’t see it in network either.
– that’s the page.
Is it possible, that plugin somehow omitted that specific file?
PS. Yes, i have purged all caches at the end of converting ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Orphans] Wtyczka nie radzi sobie z PolylangPodpinam si? do problemu – po aktualizacji polylanga(3.2.1 bodaj do najnowszej)/WP(z 6.0.4 do najnowszego) ?adowanie strony podchodzi z 2s do 22+.
Najnowsze wersje sierotek, poly i wordpressa. Konfiguracja sierotek “czysta” – czyli wszystko na wy??czonym i problem nadal wyst?puje. Query monitor nie pokazuje nic w?tpliwego. Nie mam dopisane ?adnych customowych funkcji pod sierotki.
Próbowa?em robi? downgrade poly ale problem nadal jest ten sam. Downgrade wordpressa wola?bym nie robi? z wiadomych powodów :F
Je?li jakkolwiek mog? pomóc w rozwi?zaniu problemu, to daj zna? – ch?tnie sam zmigrowa?bym u klienta na WPML ale to by?by obecnie mega d?ugi i kosztowny proces, tak wi?c zmuszony jestem czeka? a? ogarniesz ticket ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.] Canonical url for paged?I’m using WP-PageNavi – but i don’t think it modifies canonical urls.
The thing came from client’s SEO firm, i’m not questioning how it should be because i don’t really know :>
How should i approach it to make the whole thing less exploitable?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.] Canonical url for paged?I have tried above filter, but then source doesn’t show any canonical url at all for paginated pages :\
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.] Canonical url for paged?Anwsering in case someone else might need it.
add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_rel_canonical_output', function( $url, $id ) { if (is_paged()) { $current_url="//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; return $current_url; } return $url; }, 10, 2 );