• cliedtke


    The latest update completely broke the design and user experience of my website. This is a real nightmare. I do not understand how you can release a version without making sure that it works. It is better to not do any updates than this. You are advertising with the many users that use elementor and destroy the effort they put into using your product in the next moment. I’m honestly shocked..

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by cliedtke.
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  • 0ee2


    Couldn’t agree more. Am also shocked!



    I am so very sorry the update broke your design. Elementor 3.0 is a major version and includes some substantial infrastructure changes.

    I’d love to try to help you solve the issue.
    1. You can revert to an earlier version of Elementor: https://docs.elementor.com/article/382-rolling-back-to-a-previous-version-of-elementor
    2. We created a fix for some of the issues, and are working on another fix. Read about the latest in the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Elementors/
    3. Visit our FAQ page which also has a step by step guide to help you avoid issues: https://docs.elementor.com/article/677-faq-for-elementor-3-0

    Again, my deepest apologies. Bugs and issues are unfortunately inevitable when it comes to updates, especially major updates. We try to minimize it as much as we can.

    EZ Smith


    Yeah guys, was really excited about the new features, but NOT excited to have to wake up and start fixing client sites left and right when buttons, headings, layouts, etc were all messed up from the updates.

    Thread Starter cliedtke


    Thanks @benpines for reaching out. It seems that regenerating the css under elementor > tools could fix the obvious problems with my design. As far as I can see, my site looks and works as expected again. I appreciate the feedback. Anyways, I think you need to make sure that (even if it is an easy fix at the end) an update doesn’t break sites leaving them exposed to the public like this. It can be very painful for people that put a lot of effort into their sites and communities..

    Bro this update is garbage – I use elementor on 100 installs – trashed everything…



    Agreed. This update wrecked my site also. And they refuse to take any responsibility for the damage. Their tech support tells you to use their product at your own risk.

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