14 years, 8 months ago
This can be a problem with your ftp server or the ftp server from your host. If both files are the same size then I shouldn’t replace it. If one is larger then the other one, then I should keep the largest one.
Your table isn’t correctly, I suggest you recreate the tables by dropping the tables and then reinstalling wordpress.
You must notice that it’s still in development process.
Yes it is if you manually add the code. (Find the code, go the the page edition, press html tab, insert code)
I’ve a very flexible theme, when you change the size of your browser the theme changes too. This way there is no need to scroll.
Maybe buddypress is the right was to go for you.
Are you using WPmu or wp 3.0 or something? Or just 2 completely different blogs?
Great theme, especially the way you used hashtags to go to your contact section for example. Awesome job!
I do not have any suggestions regarding a widget atm, but I’m finding the readablity of your blog very low. The space with your content is too small.
It looks good, but I suggest installing a plugin like wp super cache. It toke about 30+ sec to load.