Hello Amit,
Thanks a lot for your attention.
Sorry, i have take time to come back but i have seriously study this problem.
My question concerns the user experience with OceanWP and more exactly the quatuor:
OceanWP + Elementor pro + Woocommerce + Advanced Custom Fields
The goal is the next :
– The shop is on the landing page or home-page.
– When user clicks on a product (on his image, title… everywhere on the thumbnail) :
Don’t change or open a new page but only open a “quick-view” wich displays all informations of the affected simple product page (customized with Elementor and ACF).
For information, Jetwoobuilder and Jetpopup promise this success, i have tried, but i got differents displays conflicts with OceanWP.
To open “Quick-View”:
I think that it’s necessary to revise “owp -quick-view” function or create an other one to activate the open on all the thumbnail.
To display in “Quick-View” :
i get a first approach when i replaced the content of “owp-single-product.php” by “content_single_product.php”.
Do you conceive a clean solution ?
Thanks by advance ??