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It’s fixed in 9.5.2-beta3.
It was about a 3rd party library that I helped to fix, but I renamed it in ARVE now, so it will not matter if other devs who use it update it or not.
The trigger is always the 2nd plugin that get loaded with the same code. There are a bunch of plugins who used the same flawed code. So the “origin” of this issue is not fixed to one plugin. But ARVE can not cause it anymore.
You need to also apply it to ARVE in
I tested it and it for sure works!Will fix this soon with a renamed version of that class without the helpers altogether.
sorry to keep approaching you about this this way, hope you will pick it up.
OH really are you? Why you people keep ignoring the support site. What is so hard to register and post there?
It’s not my code you looked at but the code of the dev who wrote that library. But I guess this is what you meant.
Holy fuck I included that library because like 3 people had issue with admin messages and I thought I included some code from someone else because WP in 2021 stick lacks a basic API for something as basic as admin messages.
And turns out that lib fucking sucks.
The DNH function should be either in a class or have a unique function name, like “ARVE_DNH”. The check for double occurrence of functions happens by php itself before processing logic, so an if then statement at the start of the include file does not sufficiently solve this.
I think you are on the right track but you not really got it. Its just that the library needs to wrap ALL functions with
if ( function_exists( 'EVERY_FUNCTION_IN_THAT_FILE' ) ) {
There should be no need at all to rename anything. I do not know what you are talking about runtime … I know for a fact that wrapping functions with
if ( function_exists
works and I it and have seen lot of uses of this.I still a bit confused about why exactly, but I fixed it, tried this file with the wps-hide-login. After confirming the issue I applied this.
So not sure what you go on about renaming and putting it into a class, but THIS is how you do it.
The problem with this is every other plugin dev needs to update this flawed code. And the wps-hide-login dev actually uses a forked version of the library from another dev …
What a mess just by using one tiny lib … I will completely rename everything in that lib I guess …
both still at fault
Well, not really. I guess for using a “library” assuming it can actually be used as one but if you want to blame someone blame the person who wrote it. Mistakes happen, but it’s strange that this it not even fixed in the latest versions of this lib (even in different forks)
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Nico.
@tokyoprogressive Thanks.
@tezalsec Correct. Hopefully not many other plugins use an outdated version, the check should have been in there from the beginning as it was intended to be used by multiple plugins/themes.
Yes, if you want to have a random video displayed you need to buy the random video addon (singular).
It’s a plugin not an “action”. And no it will not create posts for you. It will display a random video from a playlist.
Step 1: Put this short code on your page or post.
[arve random_video_url="" /]
Repeat with different playlists as much as you like.
I have my examples working again and released the latest version.
Not sure what you mean by 5 action on 5 different playlists. But you can have 5 random videos from 5 different playlists on the same page.
They are relevant.
If you have an issue and want it resolved that is in fact a support question. I hate switching back and forth with these forums and my support site is 10x better than this.
You can split hairs if you like, I can put “feedback” in there as well …
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Nico.
I actually have a pretty good solution for this in the latest version now. Still a
language_attributes(); ?>
would have the styles applied instantly.And I wish you would actually read the sticky posts and stop using these forums.
You are one of like 2 or 3 people I know of that have this issue, I could not reproduce this but saw it ONCE on my staging site, but it went away. You did not really help in solving this issue.
Anyway I just switched in another library someone else wrote for admin notices, and dismissed admin messages will be shown on the bottom of the debug into. If that is not solving this I will be giving up on this. I spend hours and hours on this even though only so few people had this issue and did not follow up on this.
Why do people not stop using these forums? Are you purposefully ignoring the sticky posts or are you just not reading?
What is happening on your site is the styles do not get applied until JavaScript is loaded and your site is slow.
The video initially gets displayed with the width you set as maximum. It
for your page because you did not set it and your theme does not have a value for it. You can just set that, but the issue goes deeper.ARVE’s styles require the
on the<html>
attribute and if it fails to add this with PHP it later adds it with JavaScript. And because your site rendering is extremely slow it’s very noticeable. Some serious slowdowns there.It seems your theme lacks the
function on the html.<!DOCTYPE html> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <head>
If your theme had it, this would not be happening. I think its required for a proper theme to have it.
I can mitigate this, but it won’t be ideal.
No I do not use WordFence, but I guessed right. The message shows for old plugins is this:
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
I know it still works in classic editor with classic editor plugin installed. On current WP versions. So despite it being abandoned why not just keep using it if it works? With the focus on Gutenberg, Classic Editor probably will not move very fast, so it will probably continue to work. There are however issues reported on the support forums for it but related to ARVE. But I have not heard any issues from users about it for a very long time.
I do not know any other options for this, there are probably none.
But you can just deactivate it, all the posts with arve shortcodes will continue to work. You just lose the previews and shortcode editing on the backend if you disable Shortcode UI. As the name suggests it’s just a UI (User Interface) for creating shortcodes and displaying a preview in Classic Editor. It does not interfere with functionality of the underlying plugins that provide the shortcodes.