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  • Plugin Author Nico


    You made no attempt to contact me for support. The plugin works perfectly fine with external video files if they can be played by browsers. Like .mp4, .webm but the extension does not guarantee it can be played. It needs to have the right encoding.

    I do not know what you are doing, but you are doing it wrong.

    Plugin Author Nico


    There is a 30-day money-back guarantee so yes you can test it.

    But Autoplay is prevented by many modern browsers, may depend on users settings, but in desktop browsers, it can work.

    Autoplay together with Lazyload is an oxymoron. The entire point of lazyload is to not load the video on page load, and only if the user clicks on it.

    Plugin Author Nico


    The ‘issue’ was just that the error appeared, I guess. Nothing really concerning as it was still working correctly on the editor pages as intended.

    The error should be fixed now, please confirm.

    Plugin Author Nico


    You need both plugins active. ARVE and ARVE Pro and you need to have ARVE Pro activated in WP Admin > Settings > Nextgenthemes

    Come to for more help if you need it.

    Plugin Author Nico


    It works as intended. You have to do one of the following:

    1. Set the data manually via shortcode embed or gutenberg block. thumbnail, title (fills name), description and upload date
    2. Disable the option to generate SEO data complete
    3. Purchase ARVE PRO. One of its many features is to automatically fill the SEO data for you.
    Plugin Author Nico


    What issue? Is this just spam?

    Plugin Author Nico


    ARVE can play domain respected videos. Not sure if “private” is the same thing.

    You have to allow videos to be embedded on your domain on Vimeo. There is an option for that. And that is not really specific to ARVE.

    If you have more questions about this, please come to and fill out the form.

    Plugin Author Nico


    There is actually a checkbox on the bottom of the question form to make topics private. And often people use it for simple question without debug info when there is really no need.

    The public topics you see are only the ones where people did NOT check it.

    I also do not get your point of using this forum that is also public.

    And yes you can convert it to private by editing your question and checking the mentioned “Only visible to admin and moderator.” (It’s just me)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Nico.
    Plugin Author Nico


    Plugin Author Nico


    Its really unfair to give a negative rating because of your mistake. Its not a bug or a “mistake” in the plugin, it works as intended you just did not manually set a thumbnail on your video embed!

    I explained this multiple times the SEO data needs to be manually completed if you want it in there. You have 3 options.

    1. Manually set a thumbnail and other needed data.
    2. Just turn off the SEO data all-together, ARVE has a setting for that. This is how WP works normally it does not add any SEO data.
    3. Get the Pro Addon that is able to auto fill the data. For the mayor providers like YouTube it will fill it with the most accurate data straight from them and it has fallbacks that fill the data with values from your WordPress post/page/x if nothing is available.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Nico.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Nico.
    Plugin Author Nico


    Yes, but its not needed in most cases.

    Plugin Author Nico


    Plugin Author Nico


    Closing, for support please use, thank you.

    The URL attributes end with 8243; not should end with a " so some copying and pasting and encoding seems to have messed with your shortcodes.

    If you embed mp4 files you can also use mp4="url" instead of url=. url= will internally do the same as mp4 if the URL ends with mp4 and only if it does. Otherwise, it won’t work correctly.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nico.
    Plugin Author Nico


    I am considering the next I encounter someone with your attitude to not bother and straight refund and try hard to forget as fast as possible. So stubborn it hurts.

    Filling out is where I guess the developer gets his rocks off on. He wants you to tell him everything about your website, your programs, the other plugins, what you are using the plug in for, etc…

    Imagine going to the dealership for your brand new car. Questioning why your left turn signal is not working and the first question the mechanic asks is “how many doors does the car have?” – Yea, what does knowing the number of car doors tell you why the turn signal is not working??

    Yeah, riiight! That must be it. I am asking to copy and paste the debug info because I get off by knowing what plugins other people use. That must be it! It has of course nothing to do with the fact that it may help me to figure out that maybe another plugin may interfere with the functionality of ARVE.

    And if you so bothered about telling me what plugins you use then delete them out of the copied text. You did not even put in the most basic info like what version of WP, PHP, ARVE and ARVE Pro version … you use. Nothing!

    I use WordPress because it saves me time doing what I need it to do for myself and my clients. I don’t need to know the programming language and I don’t need to know what all is happening in the back end.

    After all these years working around WordPress. I have a pretty good understanding of how it all works. But I don’t think I need to be certified in SQL or any other computer language to ask for help from the developer. And I don’t need to be insulted in any means for asking for support

    But the developer of this plugin feels you need to know all this if you want HIS help in solving an issue with HIS plugin.

    Apart from the fact that you contradict yourself in the very next paragraph. I certainly never expected you to understand any of the inner works of WP or the plugin. Seriously how many false claims are you trying to pile up here?

    You obviously have absolutely no clue about WP inner working, technical stuff. And that is perfectly obvious and also perfectly fine. As long as you do not make your shitty car comparisons. And pile up wrong claim after wrong claim. Do not pretend to know what information is needed or potentially helpful to me. The developer who actually knows how it works. Who actually figured it out just by guessing!

    This could be a 5-minute resolution if you would actually give some very basic info and actually listen.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nico.
    Plugin Author Nico


    So I go to the support page that does not function properly.

    Please back up your claim. I use the site and others use it and this is the first time somebody makes this claim. We both communicated over the site, so what exactly do you mean?

    OMG. You are so stubborn. You just can not admit you were wrong. I never insulted you I just pointed out the fact that if you would actually fill out the form I would not have such a hard time trying to help you and need to ask for more info again and again! You did not even give your site to show the issue …

    There is nothing to fix. I told you that, if you turn the SEO data off it won’t get put out on your page. You seriously continue to claim the plugin does not work as intended when you specifically turn the setting off for a feature you’re looking to use.

    You made a mistake!. You confused Yoast SEO with Yoast VIDEO SEO. That is an extra addon that coast you $69 a year to generate SEO data. From what I understood you only use Yeast SEO, so you do not need to disable it. And (sadly not obvious to you) if you disable the SEO data nothing you manually enter will be on your site and nothing will be automatically generated.

    After you wasted my time for hours, after I guessed your option setting right you seriously continue to claim the plugin does not work as expected? And you request a refund because “lack off support” after I spend hours trying to help you with your lack of information?

    Then you make this dead wrong comparison

    This is like a mechanic asking me how many doors my car has when I need help with a dead battery.

    Because I dared to ask you for information. You obviously understand nothing! Absolutely nothing!

    Praying not running into people like you again. This is mind-boggling, really. You just can not admit it you are fixed on your wrong assumptions and failure to recognize I was right all along.

    I will remove the option from the next version, so people will not get confused. I will detect its need programmatically, so I will never run into anyone again who gets confused about this. But again, there is nothing wrong with the plugin you just disabled the option by mistake!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nico.
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